What have you done for your chickens today?

it is the like the ones shown in past posts. 16 in round pig feeder pan, socket, extension cord and a piece of sheet metal. looks like the 50.00 one at tsc and other mail order stores. 0 degrees last night worked fine. sorry, got to go, back to you later, maybe pics.
I didn't do anything except give them a handful of slightly past fresh spinach and I found TWO EGGS! That is twice as many as the last few days! Oh and I spent $37.70 on a bag of Layenya and bag of Manna pro calf. It isn't cheaper to grow your own eggs, but I don't mind.
I washed their feet.

Well, just the feathered-footed roos. I had given them shredded carrots earlier, then resumed work on their new coop. Later, when I checked on them, the pen had gotten exceptionally poop-ridden, and both their feet were caked in poop. Penrod is a Buff Brahma and his side-kick Darrel is a Black Cochin. I decided that since it was 31 degrees, it might be a good idea to clean them up so they wouldn't get frost bite. Okay, I'm just a fanatic, and crazy for my chickens. I like their pens to be clean and for them to be clean, too.

I checked the girls, but even though they had carrots too, they all had managed to keep their feet out of it.

Oh, I guess building them a new coop counts for something, too. It's to house the roosters and future broodies.
Ok, I let them free range all day, and dust bath. I went out and bought Cheyenne Pepper(sure I spelled that wrong), and some of those lighted lines and a timer, so they should be laying like crazy here in a few days.
I took in a leaf of straw, leaned it up on the wall, and they went to work on it like it was the most interesting occupation ever invented. Picking, scratching to beat the band. Had several lap sit sessions, opened pop door twice today so they could venture out. We are in the middle of a nasty ice storm - rain falling on snow and ice. School is cancelled, university closed, busses stopped running, car pile ups. In interior Alaska, everything stays open no matter the low temperature, even fifty below zero. But 31 F above zero and rain in the middle of winter and life ceases as we know it. My friend lives fifteen minutes from work, but it took her three hours today, once in the ditch in a pig pile of other sliding vehicles, and a policemen who had her back up one mile!
Gave them lots of love, attention, and treats! Since it's been getting colder, I put their saddles on them yesterday so that they could have a little bit of additional warmth. Gamma figured out how to take hers off entirely. Silly girl.
I rescued a not so smart BR cockeral (I believe it is a boy) from the hanging feeder...the poor thing somehow knocked the top off the feeder and fell in...couldn't get out because the feed had gotten low...luckily I was headed into the coop to refill the feeder. Ridiculous bird was actually more irritated with my rescue than his jail sentence in the feeder... sheesh...
My hens got out and ran around the yard rolling in the sun and dirt! Hooray for the wee bit of sun today! The rains these past few days pulled up all the worms (double hooray

For the chicks, they got crumble and yogurt and a newly cleaned brooder. Sheesh it's only been a week and I've already had to clean it 3 times! Those little chicks (4 of them) sure poop a lot

...and what did I do for myself? Watch my chickens and smile
I scrambled an egg for my brooder babies and served it with chick grit. Then I cooked and served warm oatmeal to the big chickens and juvies. This evening i installed and plugged in the flat panel coop heater. I have some young ones in the big coop and our first snow is due tomorrow!

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