What homesteaders/ farmers do u all watch on YouTube?


Mar 29, 2020
I watch:
- Appalachian Homestead
- Arms Family Homestead
- Art and Bri
- Justin Rhodes
- Roots and Refuge Farm
- Elliot Homestead
- Cog Hill Family Farm
- Becky’s Homestead
- Just a few acres farm
- Weed Em and Reap
- Jill Weinger Homestead
Who do u all watch? These are who I watch and there all amazing people.
I watch:
- Appalachian Homestead
- Arms Family Homestead
- Art and Bri
- Justin Rhodes
- Roots and Refuge Farm
- Elliot Homestead
- Cog Hill Family Farm
- Becky’s Homestead
- Just a few acres farm
- Weed Em and Reap
- Jill Weinger Homestead
Who do u all watch? These are who I watch and there all amazing people.
I watch all of them a little bit, but some have gotten so commercial and annoying (lookin at you, Homesteady). I like roots and refuge and appalachian the best. Elliot tries too hard to be cool and whispery. She destroyed a perfectly good kitchen to make it look old. So much waste! She is definitely not in it for the environment. Justin Rhodes sometimes, but he can be a bit much.

I like them when they don't act too big for their britches.
I like to watch White House On The Hill and Weed ‘em and Reap.
I used to watch white house on the hill until twice I saw them encouraging their children to chase poor terrified chickens. They also encouraged them to chase them down and catch them in nets for fun - and laughed about it. The birds were so stressed out they were hitting walls. I stopped watching them immediately. That is teaching animal cruelty.
I used to watch white house on the hill until twice I saw them encouraging their children to chase poor terrified chickens. They also encouraged them to chase them down and catch them in nets for fun - and laughed about it. The birds were so stressed out they were hitting walls. I stopped watching them immediately. That is teaching animal cruelty.
Poor birds! And just for fun? That’s terrible. Why would you teach your children to do that?:barnie
I used to watch white house on the hill until twice I saw them encouraging their children to chase poor terrified chickens. They also encouraged them to chase them down and catch them in nets for fun - and laughed about it. The birds were so stressed out they were hitting walls. I stopped watching them immediately. That is teaching animal cruelty.
All their animals look to be in bad care. Everything from their emus to rabbits. And their kids have no respect for animals. They treat them like toys.

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