What is difference between scratch and peck feeds vs regular chicken feed?

Do you know of one that makes an all-flock type pellet? I ended up buying Full-o-pep layer pellets this time around from a local store but it's still not my ideal feed.

Nutrena makes an All Flock pellet feed. My free ranging mixed flock does very well on it.
I would use this feed if I had birds in addition to chickens (e.g. turkeys, ducks, geese, etc)
I looked at a dumor organic and will soon begin to look for an all flock...they don't have that a TSC tho.

They have flock raiser crumbles.

Nutrena makes an All Flock pellet feed. My free ranging mixed flock does very well on it.
I would use this feed if I had birds in addition to chickens (e.g. turkeys, ducks, geese, etc)

I haven't been able to find anyone near me that carries it or I'd try it.

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