What is getting my chickens?!?!? Fisher cat?!?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 17, 2011
I had something get into my coop twice. It happens during the day (1pm-230pm). The first time it pulled my fence apart (i have pics) and scooted in that way and brought the hen and 4 baby chickens out and ate them about 10 yards away from the coop. The second time I forgot to place a cinder block that I use to keep the door secure in place. The "thing" wedged the bottom door open and squeezed in and got one hen and brought it again 10 yards away and ate its abdomen there.

I only think its a fisher cat because we saw one 2 weeks ago out during the day on our property. But I am not sure?!

My rooster is missing but I am on high alert waiting for him to show back up at dusk like he did the last night. If he doesn't come back I am down to one chicken, first time in years and I am sad. :( no silkies, no easter eggers, no javas.
So sorry for you loss. That's one thing I've learned about having chickens is you will also have predators. Hope your rooster comes home. Will you get more chickens?

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