What is the best bait for raccoons in a live trap?

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We have found peanut butter to be the best because it is sticky, they can't resist the smell, and they can't steal it. We used to use bacon but the little freaks dug up my lawn and grabbed the bacon from underneath. We now have a DP or Dog Proof Trap which traps their paw and then you dispatch it in the morning. We live near a pond at the mouth of a canyon in Utah and we have rid the planet of over 120 of the giant rats We have neighbors who live closer to the pond who are up near 800. There is no natural predator to keep the 'coons in check here. They eat ALL of our cherries and other fruit EVERY year just before we think it is ripe enough. OK, that is my raccoon rant. I could go on for another HOUR.
I trapped coons in East Texas for profit. Best bait by far is a can of Mackerel. Use about half the can under each trap. Draws them in from quite a distance.
Here is my fool proof method after dealing with smart coons.
I use a can of sardines. I dig a small hole, place the sardines in the hole, place trap over hole, place cinder block on trap, next morning Mr. or Mrs. raccoon is awaiting their dirt nap. Any time I have set this I have caught something, raccoon, possum, feral cat, fox and how can I forget the one and only Mr. Skunk.
I caught 10 raccoons in a week this way. I caught three in one night. One at around 10:30 pm, one at midnight and one was waiting on me in the morning.
try sardines in a jar.mustard sardines and marshmellows deer corn peanut butter it can alls be a bobcat
As far as I know it is now illegal in all 50 states to live trap a raccoon and then release it in any location except where it was originally trapped. So what is the purpose of using a live trap on coons?

The best baits for city coons are sardines, marshmallows, and honey buns. For the country bumpkin coons add fresh or frozen corn to the list of baits.

Coons live in loose colonies and if you have one coon raiding your chicken coop there may be dozens. As this video shows there is no shortage of raccoons, not even (especially not) in urban areas


Boar coons have been known to reach 60 pounds so are you sure the coon you seek can even fit inside the trap your using?
As far as I know it is now illegal in all 50 states to live trap a raccoon and then release it in any location except where it was originally trapped. So what is the purpose of using a live trap on coons?

The best baits for city coons are sardines, marshmallows, and honey buns. For the country bumpkin coons add fresh or frozen corn to the list of baits.

Coons live in loose colonies and if you have one coon raiding your chicken coop there may be dozens. As this video shows there is no shortage of raccoons, not even (especially not) in urban areas


Boar coons have been known to reach 60 pounds so are you sure the coon you seek can even fit inside the trap your using?

This happens so much at my place of employment the maintenance guy (who has chickens by the way) actually made a chicken plank to put in the dumpster so they can get when they can't .

Those are some fat raccoons.
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