What is the strangest thing your chickens ate? Mine just ate crawfish Monica and aligator tail

Mine gooble cottage cheese, i can get it free, they love fish guts and ive used a meat grinder to grinder and feed them whole ground fish carcases.
About five yrs ago i had 15 RIRs, we had Christmas at our house, half of us were sick, had the flu for days, those reds got one heck of a new years feast, about five pounds of shell on shrimp, they loved them!
Week old shrimp in the fridge after having the flu didnt seem very appetizing.
When we have fresh salmon, we save the skin for our girls. My husband will eat the skin but would rather be amused watching our girls chase each other for it. We laugh so hard I almost pee my pants watching them.
Mine gooble cottage cheese, i can get it free, they love fish guts and ive used a meat grinder to grinder and feed them whole ground fish carcases.
About five yrs ago i had 15 RIRs, we had Christmas at our house, half of us were sick, had the flu for days, those reds got one heck of a new years feast, about five pounds of shell on shrimp, they loved them!
Week old shrimp in the fridge after having the flu didnt seem very appetizing.

now that's an idea we always have fish living by the lake
Mine love to eat lizards, tadpoles and snakes. If it fits in their gullet it is fair game, and I am always amazed at how much a bird can swallow running across the yard full tilt.

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