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I find it really odd that you have a bird suffering from a severe disability probably caused by a life threatening disease (Marek's) and you are enquiring about her breeding?? She is sitting in quite classic Marek's splits posture and she is at an age when she is most vulnerable to the disease and she is a silkie mix and silkies are one of the most susceptible breeds to it. She is bright eyed which is also pretty typical of Marek's.

To treat lice, you can get something called Battles Louse Powder here in the UK which is permethrin based. It is sold to be sprinkled onto horse bedding. You can buy it online or you may find it in a feed store or see what they have at your local feed store for Poultry.... Most seems to be Diatomaceous Earth like Smite which I have had some success with but it is not as effective as Permethrin, but I think that Permethrin products may not be licenced for use on chickens here, so it is up to you what you want to use. Dusting her will almost certainly stress her though and stress will aggravate her symptoms if it is Marek's. Perhaps you could make her a dust bath with a washing up bowl containing dry soil and compost and wood ash all mixed up and put her in it and scoop flick the dirt over her and work it into her feathers to simulate a dust bath, rather than the more aggressive technique of holding them upside down by their feet and dusting them with a powder that may cause them respiratory problems and making a dust bath like that costs nothing and doesn't use insecticides.

I find it really odd that you have a bird suffering from a severe disability probably caused by a life threatening disease (Marek's) and you are enquiring about her breeding?? She is sitting in quite classic Marek's splits posture and she is at an age when she is most vulnerable to the disease and she is a silkie mix and silkies are one of the most susceptible breeds to it. She is bright eyed which is also pretty typical of Marek's.

To treat lice, you can get something called Battles Louse Powder here in the UK which is permethrin based. It is sold to be sprinkled onto horse bedding. You can buy it online or you may find it in a feed store or see what they have at your local feed store for Poultry.... Most seems to be Diatomaceous Earth like Smite which I have had some success with but it is not as effective as Permethrin, but I think that Permethrin products may not be licenced for use on chickens here, so it is up to you what you want to use. Dusting her will almost certainly stress her though and stress will aggravate her symptoms if it is Marek's. Perhaps you could make her a dust bath with a washing up bowl containing dry soil and compost and wood ash all mixed up and put her in it and scoop flick the dirt over her and work it into her feathers to simulate a dust bath, rather than the more aggressive technique of holding them upside down by their feet and dusting them with a powder that may cause them respiratory problems and making a dust bath like that costs nothing and doesn't use insecticides.
Well, what else am I supposed to do? I’ve tried everything, and I’m allowed to be curious of her breed.
As regards her paralysis/inability to walk, she may recover as quickly as she became incapacitated, she may deteriorate and die or she may take weeks or months to recover with supportive care. You will need to keep her back end clean since she will soil herself. It is important to feed her well. Scrambled egg, a bit of meat (liver is good cut into small slivers).Make a wet mash with her regular feed and water and add natural yoghurt and egg to it or cottage cheese. If you can get a little bottle of Nettex Nutri Drops from your feed store or online, they will help support her immune system. Either put a few drops in her water or mix into her food. It is a vitamin rich tonic. Keep her within sight of the flock. The cage is a good safe place so that she doesn't get picked on and has her own food in there so that she gets plenty. Feed the others near her so that she feels part of the flock. Encourage her to walk/crawl towards a special treat every day but not in competition with other flock members.... only when she is on her own.
A chicken sling or hammock may be beneficial to help prevent her from soiling herself...... It can be made from everyday items:-
sling 2.png

It should be adjusted so that her feet can touch the bottom, otherwise they may panic and her back end either overhangs the cloth or you can use a broader cloth and cut a hole under her vent for poop to drop through.

Empty yoghurt pots can be clipped to the front of the box for food and water. Give her time out of the sling each day to move around and encourage her to move towards a special treat.

Good luck with her.

I find it really odd that you have a bird suffering from a severe disability probably caused by a life threatening disease (Marek's) and you are enquiring about her breeding?? She is sitting in quite classic Marek's splits posture and she is at an age when she is most vulnerable to the disease and she is a silkie mix and silkies are one of the most susceptible breeds to it. She is bright eyed which is also pretty typical of Marek's.

To treat lice, you can get something called Battles Louse Powder here in the UK which is permethrin based. It is sold to be sprinkled onto horse bedding. You can buy it online or you may find it in a feed store or see what they have at your local feed store for Poultry.... Most seems to be Diatomaceous Earth like Smite which I have had some success with but it is not as effective as Permethrin, but I think that Permethrin products may not be licenced for use on chickens here, so it is up to you what you want to use. Dusting her will almost certainly stress her though and stress will aggravate her symptoms if it is Marek's. Perhaps you could make her a dust bath with a washing up bowl containing dry soil and compost and wood ash all mixed up and put her in it and scoop flick the dirt over her and work it into her feathers to simulate a dust bath, rather than the more aggressive technique of holding them upside down by their feet and dusting them with a powder that may cause them respiratory problems and making a dust bath like that costs nothing and doesn't use insecticides.
There is nothing wrong with inquiring about what breed a bird is. Even if it is sick.

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