What is your favorite kind of chiken?

Hi lundygman!!! My favorite kind of chicken is barred rock. I love my girl's sweet personality, but she is still very bold and brave. She also has a very high sounding coo noise she makes and sounds like a little lady. Her black and white feathers are so interesting to look at. My hen's name is Betty. What is your favorite kind?
oh boy good question.

um... my buff orps so far. They are sweet, friendly and docile. very tame and so far have had no attacks on my arm or leg though one did swallow my backing of the earing.
My favorite kind of chicken is probably the...Brahma! My other favorite kind of chicken is a duck
My favorite kind of chicken is General Tso
(Sorry, couldn't resist that)
Seriously though, I am new to chickens and don't have a favorite yet, I seem to love them all!!!!! I did, however go to the fair today and fell in love with a beautiful little solid white Banty Silkie!!!! She looked like a fluffy little puppy, I gotta get one of those!!!! Sorry Miss Prissy!!! I may have"gone to the other side"lol
Because I'm such a perfectionist, when I decided to raise chickens I read and read and read some more before deciding on brahmas. For me they had to meet certain criteria: docile, cold hardy and heat tolerant, not too noisy, and not too flighty. I also wanted good-sized eggs, so banties were out.
Also because I am a perfectionist (read, obsessive compulsive), I had to have an equal number of each variety. What started out as 3 (1 of each) evolved into 12 (4 of each) and finally into 21 hens and 2 roos (7 hens of each variety plus dark and buff roos). I have to keep telling myself I only need 2 roosters when my mind says I must have 3.
I blame the BYC'ers for this!

Welcome to BYC lundygman!

Edited to add: When I do ducks next year they'll be done in 2's.
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Practical wise I love my Lakenvelder because I get a large egg, but she is noisy.

Next my RIR's, you would never know they are there , they lay lovely brown eggs of a good size and are quiet and friendly.

But, my Tina she is a mix, polish and some sort of banty, she is all black lays eggs like it is going out of style and they are the size between standard and bantam. She so friendly she doesn't eat til I talk to her.

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