What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

Mine is my Speckled Sussex hen, Apples. I've shared her story under the breed section for Speckled Sussex.
We have 2 red sex-links from TSC. Hands down, they are the friendliest birds! We chase all the other birds all over the run and coop to catch them and the red sex-links just stand there and wait to be noticed. Never dreamed they could be so cuddly!
Our friendliest hen is a Dominique named Magrat. She's just a sweetie-pea. She loves my hubby, when he's in the garden working she's always right behind him. If you stand still, she'll come up and stand with her foot on one of your feet, like she's claiming you, lol. We love her to bits.

I also have a super friendly young one right now, too. She's a cross-breed, I have no idea what breeds went into her. She's got five toes so probably some silkie in there, but she's growing quite large already so must be a larger breed as well. She's mostly black with a couple of silver-laced type feathers on her shoulders. Anyway, she's about two months old now and she loves to sit on your hand. We call her Blackie and hope she stays this sweet always. :)
Dominique. We have a GLW, two SLW's, and Black Australorp. We used to have two Dominiques and both of them were by far the friendliest. We were very sad when a coyote nabbed one of them (we have since shored up the fencing).
Shockingly my friendliest girl is an EE named Brutus. She was already about 4-8 weeks old when I got her, and I thought she would always be skittish. One day she jumped up in my lap and she's been doing it every since! She is the one standing on my hand in my profile picture.
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My friendliest are the New Hampshires in our flock (my son with his favorite when she was younger)with the RI Reds being second and the silver lace Wyandottes being the peckiest. So far my New Hampshire rooster respects me and has never tried to size me up, although Syler, my son, did get chased by him, but when a 4yr old is running around ,flapping his arms and making Vrroom Vrroom noises, what can ya expect, so he is a bit leary now of Mr. Rooster.

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