What killed my chicken?

Not sure where you located I'm located in North Carolina and this morning I went out and let my chickens out of their cages at 5:15 a.m. one of my friends stays right in back of me and she heard a lot of commotion going on when she got up there was feathers all over the rooster that was in the pen with one chicken was hiding traumatized it looks like he had been attacked however one of his wings is hanging down in the other one is not I didn't see no puncture wounds but I'm wondering what could have taken my chicken off and there is no sign of the chicken anywhere they are in a 6-foot fence so what could have gone in and taking it out we do live up against the woods thank you
I live in the Winston-Salem North Carolina area which is considered the Triad area thank you if you can give me any ideas I greatly appreciate it we have had possum before and raccoon but we have caught him in a trap but they have never taken the chickens away
I live in southwestern Virginia in a rural area. My pen is made of hardware wire and I have chicken wire around the bottom and out onto the ground a couple of feet to keep things from digging. Also the top is covered by chicken wire and netting. The dead chicken wasn't near the edge of the pen and I can't see where something could get in.
When I got home from work it was already dark. I drove my car over to the chicken house and a really big opossum went around the corner. I'll go back out with my shotgun in a bit and see if I can find it again.

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