what kind of quail ?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 10, 2012
Pasadena, Texas
i purchased some quail from a local feed store, the owner was off that day and the boys running the store did not have a clue about them, i rarely see them for sale locally in my area so i took a chance and took them all which was 19, hoping that i would get some hens for eggs

i have read so many posts, found so much info, but still confused, how to tell the difference between bobwhite and coturnix, then roo from hen, i had wished that i could get the name of the supplier who sold them to the feed store but the owner says she lost his number...

i've had them 6 weeks, they are in a temporary cage, while i build an outdoor enclosure for them, one of the doors was open this morning and 6 had found their way out, so i took the opportunity for some pictures, from what i read, front shots seem to help determine their sex, but they don't normally turn toward you, they mostly do the run / fly away, many back end shots


if the above link to my photos doesn't work, please let me know !
Hi, These are Bob whites. you will be able to feather sex them at 10 or 12 weeks as the roos will get a white bib with some black and hens will be 2 shades of buff on the face... Good luck with your birds . They look good, and Id guess the one in the 4th and 5th pic is a roo, but there still a bit young. few more weeks and it will be clear... I'm guess'n you have figured out at this point that bobs will lay naturally their first spring. If you want eggs 300 days a year, you need coturnix... Watch this group for toe picking, its the first sign of aggression as a rule! Bill
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