What kinds of Predators have taken your birds?

What Predators have you lost your birds to?

  • Foxes

    Votes: 40 29.0%
  • Raccoons

    Votes: 47 34.1%
  • Hawks and Falcons

    Votes: 68 49.3%
  • Eagles

    Votes: 10 7.2%
  • Other birds of Prey - Condors?

    Votes: 3 2.2%
  • Minks, Ermine, Martin other Weasely things

    Votes: 17 12.3%
  • Bears

    Votes: 2 1.4%
  • Snakes and lizards

    Votes: 14 10.1%
  • Two Legged Predators

    Votes: 4 2.9%
  • Dogs

    Votes: 61 44.2%
  • Cats

    Votes: 15 10.9%
  • Anthing else that wants a chicken dinner or egg breakfast?

    Votes: 36 26.1%

  • Total voters
I am going to use a pellet gun on the dogs butt if he comes in my yard again to see if that deters him. If it doesn't work, next time will be SSS!!

I've always thought a paintball gun would be handy in these situations.
First, the sting of the paint pellet would probably deter the dog (or at least get his attention).
Secondly, when their dog comes home covered in pink paint, the owners will have to admit their little darling was up to no good.
Possums and raccoons before we knew enough to put the chickens up at night. We started our chicken raising stupid! In the years following, a fox once, coyotes three times, and a stray dog once (didn't kill the hen; we got there in time). The neighbor's dogs four times until Animal Control told the owner we had the right to shoot and sue; no problem with her for a couple of years now. Occasional hawk taking babies; now we have separate coops/runs for raising families until the chicks are big enough to free range. Our own dogs once; killed three chickens. Twice snakes killing babies; beheading them cured that problem. An 8-foot alligator in our driveway once, but didn't get any chickens. The latest is two huge crows each taking an egg a day. Been told they chase Hawks, so two eggs a day is a small price to pay.
I've always thought a paintball gun would be handy in these situations.
First, the sting of the paint pellet would probably deter the dog (or at least get his attention).
Secondly, when their dog comes home covered in pink paint, the owners will have to admit their little darling was up to no good.

Shooting animals with pellet guns, paint ball guns and BB guns is cconcidered illegal by Animal Control.

Just so you know.....
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Shooting animals with pellet guns, paint ball guns and BB guns is cconcidered illegal by Animal Control.

Just so you know.....
So is allowing your dogs to roam free and attack livestock.
If that's the case, I'd still take my chances illegally tagging the dog with a paintball or pellet gun over legally killing it with a shotgun.
Shooting animals with pellet guns, paint ball guns and BB guns is cconcidered illegal by Animal Control.

Just so you know.....
Actually this would boil down to what your State, County and/or City ordinance say. I most cases the charge would be related to the discharge of a firearm within the city limits and not the use specifically of a paintball gun. However, in many jurisdictions paintball guns are not classified as firearms. You might try to argue that point with the police and, if it were me and I used that approach to discourage a dog that was not mine but that was on my property harassing and/or killing my chickens I would do whatever it took to get the charges brought before a trial jury and let my peers decide the degree of my wrong doing.
I just thought you might like to know it is good way to get a free trip to jail, which is something I try to avoid.....

Yeah its funny how it's illegal and abusive to warn the dog in a non lethal way yet it's legal to dispatch the stray permanently. I am all for shooting any and all threats to my livestock. My birds are pets but they also provide food for my family. My dogs are pets but they also secure my land and prey animal livestock. I am lucky in thst my Pyrenees kill any dogs that make it through our very secure perimeter fences but if my dogs didn't get to it I would certainly use one of our many firearms to destroy the animal and I would SSS without even a glimmer of guilt. It is cause and effect. If the dog owner has such little regard for their neighbors and neighbors livestock that they allow their dogs to roam then why should I have any regard for their dog? As I've said before they are putting their dog at risk of being hit by a car, killed by coyotes, poisoned by garbage or rodent killer etc. They obviously don't care about the dog all that much if they are so careless as to let it run wild.

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