what livestock and poultry do you raise?


6 Years
Dec 31, 2013
Temperate Australia
Just curious to know what production animals people are raising in their backyards and what for. And also what you plan on getting in the future.

At the moment I have:

* Chickens - 5 hens and 1 rooster raising for eggs
* Quails coturnix - 12 hens and 2 roosters, split into two cages one for growouts for slaughter and one for breeders and eggs

In future I plan on getting:

* Runner ducks x2 for pest control and eggs
* Rabbits for meats
* Miniature sheep to keep the grass down
Bantams and quail, i had geese and ducks before. I am selling my angora show goats from last year, and am showing a brahma heifer this year. I have my first batch of 34 quail eggs hatching next weekend
right now we have
ducks (for pets)
chickens (for eggs and pets)
horses (for pets)
and am planning on either getting sheep or goats for weed control.
I have chickens for eggs and occasionally meat. Will be doing broilers once I get everything lined up. I also have rabbits for meat and for selling as well. A duck for a pet and occasional eggs. A potbelly pig for a pet as well.
I have 27 chickens, mainly bantams, primarily pets as I don't really eat eggs. A few are show birds and I do sell chicks and started pullets.

I just got six goats for brush control. Four are pregnant. I am trying to decide if I want to sell the adults or babies. It depends on how much progress I can make with them as far as being okay with my dogs and being easier to catch for trimming feet and health checks.

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