What next? These animals scare me..

I am sorry but from the country that gave save haven for convicted IRA murderers this is a bit rich. I will never forget the broadcast after the Brighton bombing. A radio 4 news reporter was on a plane next to an American woman who said that the bombing was the proudest moment in her life.

American politicians have lined up to condemn Britain for having released the man convicted of having blown up Pan Am Flight 103 in the skies above the Scottish town of Lockerbie in 1988. Some two thirds of the passengers were American citizens. The director of the FBI, Robert Mueller, called the decision to release the cancer-bedevilled al-Megrahi a ‘mockery of justice’. Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama stuck the boot in too, calling the release ‘totally inappropriate’. Well sure, perhaps. But at least al-Megrahi was convicted and served a portion of his sentence. In the single year before the Lockerbie bombing the IRA murdered 20 people, mainly civilians, and maimed thousands of others — 11 dead and many more injured in one single atrocity in Enniskillen in November 1987. That campaign of terror, waged against British citizens for more than 30 years, was bankrolled by donations from the USA — and in those 30 years not a single terrorist was extradited from the US to face charges here, despite our repeated requests. Both federal and local US courts refused extradition requests almost as policy, while the funding of the IRA continued without interruption and was still raking in the money even after 9/11, when the Americans suddenly decided that they ought to start proscribing certain terrorist groups. The IRA was not, for some time, one of the groups so proscribed.
The truth is, Britain has been more successful in appealing to Libya to extradite alleged terrorists than it has been in appealing to our ally, that country with which we enjoy a ‘special relationship’. Not a single extradition granted in 30 years: we should remember that when the likes of Mueller is shouting his fat mouth off about mockeries of justice. We remember faux-Oirish US politicians giving succour to the Provos; we remember the imperviousness of every US regime, Democrat and Republican, to our pleas for justice. So see how you like it now.
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I am sorry but from the country that gave save haven for convicted IRA murderers this is a bit rich. I will never forget the broadcast after the Brighton bombing. A radio 4 news reporter was on a plane next to an American woman who said that the bombing was the proudest moment in her life.

American politicians have lined up to condemn Britain for having released the man convicted of having blown up Pan Am Flight 103 in the skies above the Scottish town of Lockerbie in 1988. Some two thirds of the passengers were American citizens. The director of the FBI, Robert Mueller, called the decision to release the cancer-bedevilled al-Megrahi a ‘mockery of justice’. Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama stuck the boot in too, calling the release ‘totally inappropriate’. Well sure, perhaps. But at least al-Megrahi was convicted and served a portion of his sentence. In the single year before the Lockerbie bombing the IRA murdered 20 people, mainly civilians, and maimed thousands of others — 11 dead and many more injured in one single atrocity in Enniskillen in November 1987. That campaign of terror, waged against British citizens for more than 30 years, was bankrolled by donations from the USA — and in those 30 years not a single terrorist was extradited from the US to face charges here, despite our repeated requests. Both federal and local US courts refused extradition requests almost as policy, while the funding of the IRA continued without interruption and was still raking in the money even after 9/11, when the Americans suddenly decided that they ought to start proscribing certain terrorist groups. The IRA was not, for some time, one of the groups so proscribed.
The truth is, Britain has been more successful in appealing to Libya to extradite alleged terrorists than it has been in appealing to our ally, that country with which we enjoy a ‘special relationship’. Not a single extradition granted in 30 years: we should remember that when the likes of Mueller is shouting his fat mouth off about mockeries of justice. We remember faux-Oirish US politicians giving succour to the Provos; we remember the imperviousness of every US regime, Democrat and Republican, to our pleas for justice. So see how you like it now.

Great post and I can sense the passion with which it was written! I admire your courage for writing that here. I remain angry to this day about the foreign funding of killers who blew to pieces innocent adults and children in Britain.

The IRA proved that terrorism works. Don't anyone complain that what they once supported now hits them in the neck.
This has nothing to do with your agenda ..
I'm speaking of the terrorist group in the link in my first post..
This has nothing to do with your agenda ..
I'm speaking of the terrorist group in the link in my first post..

It does America as a country can't go round saying here you go money for your guns and bombs and if you kill innocents in another country we will look after you. Then turn round and complain when another country tells you to get stuffed if you want them to hand over a terrorist.
This has nothing to do with your agenda ..
I'm speaking of the terrorist group in the link in my first post..

OK then. Do you know who first funded, armed and trained the fighters who now form the Taliban and Northern Alliance? Who fired the first shot, the Taliban or the invaders to their territory>
*sigh* Not going to argue... so stop trying to bait me. :plbb
If you are all for the Taliban.. then by all means give them a call... i'm sure they would love to have you... :D
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*sigh* Not going to argue... so stop trying to bait me.

If you are all for the Taliban.. than by all means give them a call... i'm sure they would love to have you...

*sigh* Not going to argue... so stop trying to bait me.

If you are all for the Taliban.. then by all means give them a call... i'm sure they would love to have you...

That's offensive. Of course I'm not 'for the Taliban'. And I'm trying to discuss this, not bait (bate?).

If you want to write about these people, remember who used to back them when it suited. If they had nor been armed, funded and trained by the West, they would not have overrun southern Afghanistan and would not be able to fight as they are doing.
That's offensive. Of course I'm not 'for the Taliban'. And I'm trying to discuss this, not bait (bate?).

If you want to write about these people, remember who used to back them when it suited. If they had nor been armed, funded and trained by the West, they would not have overrun southern Afghanistan and would not be able to fight as they are doing.

We also supplied the U.S.S.R. in WW 2 but what does that have to do with the here and now ?

That's offensive. Of course I'm not 'for the Taliban'. And I'm trying to discuss this, not bait (bate?).

If you want to write about these people, remember who used to back them when it suited. If they had nor been armed, funded and trained by the West, they would not have overrun southern Afghanistan and would not be able to fight as they are doing.

Okay, Thai... I truly do not want to offend YOU. I respect you and your opinions.
Its okay... feel free to state your opinions.
You are a good person and a smart man... and we dont always have to agree..

I just didnt like the way the other poster was being so aggressive.. almost attacking me. I dont tolerate that well because i'm a fiesty redhead.. :oops:
I'll be good now... :p
And yes, i know we did work with Osama in the past(theres much more to the story there though.. not as simple as its being implied here....)...but that doesnt excuse what those animals did.. does it? Surely thats NOT what you are implying...

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