What predators can roosters actually kill/fend off?

Only experience I have witnessed was with a hawk. I was outside messin around in the garden & heard a chicken ruckus in the goat pen where the chickens roam. Ran over there and heard the rooster makin lots of noise and saw a hawk chasin a hen. Hen got under an old tire leanin against the fence and the hawk couldn't get to her but was still tryin. I chased the hawk off, looked around and the rooster along with the other 11 hens were in the chicken pen that has a wire top on it.
Not sure what breed the rooster is but he's a big fella. He did not even pretend to protect the hen that was being harassed but got all the others to safety. Not a brave fella but I guess he's got some smarts So I'll keep him.The hawk met an unfortunate end a couple days later( yeah, I know).
My EE rooster is a beautiful prick... He has defended his flock against hawks, coyotes, and racoons. Oh and occasionally a snake or 2. One time that really pops into my head... it was maybe 3pm and I was taking water to my coop. I open the run, to see my rooster laying into a racoon that got in with them. He had it cornered and the girls was inside. So I hurried up and ran back to the house to grab the 22. I come back maybe a minute (probably more like 30 seconds) later, he still was holding his own. So it gave me enough time to take the racoon down. Everyone was safe even my boy. He has ran down coyote that was chasing my red hen Goldie down, she got a little torn up that day but healed up fine. Me and him hate each other, but he does do a great job protecting his flock.

That’s the kind of aggressive rooster I would think twice about keeping. ❤️
Its when they perceive us as a threat to the flocks existence that roosters become aggressive. Our own aggression is what triggers them. Something simple as flinging a plastic tarp or a piece of plastic or throwing a bucket. By limiting the presence of other people around the flock I've eliminated triggers.No one gathers eggs or feeds but me.
I had a silkie rooster many years ago that was an awesome guard bird.

He was probably a couple pounds soaking wet and was pretty small for a silkie. I was out cleaning the pool one day by the pens, and a red tailed hawk came swooping down out of nowhere.

I ran to scare it off and he jumped up in the air, screeching and squawking, and nailed it right in the face with his spurs. Hawk definitely changed it's mind and flew for the hills.

I had a lot of roosters over the years but that tiny little silkie was the best. He was so brave!
I had a banty silkie roo beat a possum once... he died later when the wound reopened that he got from the possum but the possume never came back (was wounded).
I swear roosters are in the same wavelength as dogs. How chihuahuas always seem so fierce and aggressive bc everything is so much bigger than them. The smaller the roo the more it’ll put up a fight, I have a serama roo that made a large jersey roo back down.
Typical fake news, the headline reads-
Rooster Attacks And Kills Police Officer
then the article states-
Officials say Lieutenant Christian Bolok had picked up a rooster while collecting evidence during Tuesday's raid, when he was sliced by a steel razor blade attached to the bird's leg.
A guy posted wolves bent the latch on his barn door one time and got 50 chickens in the middle of the night. When he found them missing he followed the wolf foot prints he found they'd taken them to a nearby field and eaten. The only thing he found was a field of feathers and some razors.

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