what should I give my chick?


Feb 17, 2021
Hey! I have a 1 week year old chick, she like's to eat a lot! but I only give her the same food over and over, I want her to enjoy something good but I don't know what I should give her. What is something she will enjoy?
Chick starter is the best thing for the first few weeks. Or if it's too cold to spend some time outside, my chicks love a big piece of grass sod in their brooder. They can practice foraging and eating grass/small bus. But I don't usually give treats very early on. Usually only corn scratch when they are older and sleeping in the coop when it's very cold. And veggie scraps, but only after they are living outside full time.

I would definitely suggest a buddy or two if you only have one chick. Chickens need and love companionship : )
Chick starter is the best thing for the first few weeks. Or if it's too cold to spend some time outside, my chicks love a big piece of grass sod in their brooder. They can practice foraging and eating grass/small bus. But I don't usually give treats very early on. Usually only corn scratch when they are older and sleeping in the coop when it's very cold. And veggie scraps, but only after they are living outside full time.

I would definitely suggest a buddy or two if you only have one chick. Chickens need and love companionship : )
I started giving my Silkie chicks dried meal worms at 3 weeks along with chicken crumbles and Red Egg vitamin and mineral meal.
The first thing I give chicks is a big lump of soil from the garden. Gives them their first grit + introduction to whatever microbes and bugs are in the soil. They love pecking it to pieces and then having their first proper dust bath. (Though usually they have already tipped the food dish and started 'dust bathing' in that already). Best time to do this is just before you are due to clean out the brooder, lol.
^^Ditto! I put a bit in my palm, and it was like getting tapped with blunt pencil tips when my chicks pecked it up. Fun for them and for me, without worry about giving them something less nutritious than their regular food, because it is their regular food.

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