What time do your roosters crow?

Mine crows around 7 am every morning. He is a good alarm clock.
I have 4 roos, the 2 in the house start at 5 am, the 2 outside don't start until 7:30 am and occasionally during the day, not aso much at night before bedtime. It doesn't bother me or my neighbors, everyone loves it. They tell me it reminds them of when they grew up "on the farm".
My rooster crows mainly in the coop before being let out. He starts around 6 am and goes in intervalls until I open the coop door around 7 ish. Sometimes he sleeps in and doesn't start until almost 7! During the day he crows on occasion and sometimes he goes back and forth with another roo about a mile away. He crows whenever there is a stranger (human or animal) in the yard and he crows because he can. But for the most part he quietly clucks along with his girls.
Mine start at about 730 am, then a few random times until noon. They don't crow much in the afternoon, and almost never after 5 pm. Some noises will make them crow, like the clothesline sqeek, loud noises, dogs in the distance, etc.
Buff starts while it's still dark in the morning. I do think that he really believes he can force the sun to come up by yelling at it. He goes about every half hour til full daylight, and then he's relatively quiet (unless something riles him up) til noon. Then he "blows the lunch whistle", LOL. He crows again in the late aft or early evening, but doesn't seem to have much to say at bedtime, except that special muttering that he does to tell the girls to get inside and go to bed.
As soon as my family or I get up my roo starts to crow and doesn't stop till he goes to bed at night unless I don't pet him or he will crow.
There are nights that mine start in at 10 pm and go for a couple hours and then start again around 3:30 for the day. I think their clocks are broken
Yikes, I'm a very light sleeper. IDK if I could ever get roos w/ these kind of replies. My wife and kids sleep through the whole house fire alarms going off. Maybe w/ big enough land if they were far back I could get some.

I guess the good thing about meat birds is their gone b4 they start crowing.
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Mine Started crowing at 3:30 this morning......that was a first....usually around 5:30 or 6. We have 4 in differnent pens and always have crow wars as we call them.....LOL. Always 1 trying to out crow the other......silly boys.!!! The newest Buff Orpington is only about 4 months and still hasnt quite got the total crow yet but he trys to keep up with the other boys.

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