what time of day do your chickens lay eggs

My EE laid its first green egg on February 2nd and has not laid once since. Is that normal or should I be worried something is wrong?
The one hen we have that is laying always pops the egg out at different times. I have tried to get the egg asap because the last 3 days I have found her egg somewhere other than the nest and is broken by the time I get there. Will she start regulating (laying at same time) as she gets the hang of it, or is it normal for each hen to lay at a diff time each day?
I am curious as to what time of day do chickens lay their eggs. And once they do start laying is the time of day fairly consistent. My girls are 23 weeks this week, looking foward to my first egg.
One of my cuckoo marans started laying eggs on the 19 week and has not stopped. She gives me an egg everyday but are small eggs. Then my black copper maran started laying eggs at exactly 20 weeks old and she also has giving me an egg every day these two usually lay between 8:00 am and 10:00. My EE started at 21 weeks old which is last week and she has been pretty good except she is laying around 5 or 6 pm. weird.
2 of my 4 ISA Browns started laying at 17 weeks!!

And one ISA 's first egg was a double yoker.

My Barred, Black Australorps, Speckled Sussex, & Silver Lace Wyn haven't laid yet.

All of my cheeps will be 18 weeks tomorrow.

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