what time of day do your chickens lay eggs

I have 18 hens about 17 weeks. Got my first egg the other day. Only one laying. 1 per day for 5 days now. I read someplace that they lay every 26 hours and this seems true for me. Can't wait for more eggs. I check 5 times a day.
My egg production has definitely picked up (6-7 eggs per day), but it seems that I should have more with 14 hens...??? I've also been looking under their favorite bush where they hang out during the day when it's warm and they are out of their run foraging, but no eggs. If I do happen to find eggs somewhere other than in the nesting boxes, how would I know of they are ok to eat? I am hoping that it just takes a while to get up to speed. It is also going to start cooling down so maybe this will be as good as it gets for the fall/winter. Either way we are getting really good eggs from our girls (orange yolks and hard shells), and they are getting bigger every day.
Hi ndenief,
I have 4 ladies and they were slow to start, but now we are getting 4 good sized eggs a day. We let ours out to to forage at least 5-6 hours a day and 3 of the ladies lay in the early morning, prob. around 7-9a and one is the oddball.... ;) she will go out and forage and then go back to the nest and lay hers....she's a bit of free spirit I guess. The eggs are getting bigger by the day....yayyy!!!
My girls are only 18 weeks old and I got an egg 2 days in a row now! Not sure which gal laid. I have 2 yellow, 2 brown, 1 black and one zebra looking black one.
Hi I'm new to this sight sorry if I've done it wrong I'm looking for a bit of help I bought 2 bantams off a private seller and was told that they lay everyday or every other day I have had these now for 4 days now and still no eggs my bantams have a very varied diet and are a year and and a half old. Also any tips for keeping cats away as I would like these to be free range thanks in advance X Chelsea X
How long have you had your chickens? If recentlt acquired they will need some time to settle in. Are the free range or fenced in. If free range you might have to hunt for eggs. Last yesr found 3 different nest in the yard with over 24 eggs in them.
Hi my chickens are let out at around 7am and free range till around 6pm when they bring themselves into my house i then take them to there coop and they are in there till morning. They have a constant supply of food and water through the day should they also have this at night. Do i need to make any special requirments for them to lay eggs x
I wanted to keep my girls in the coop and night and in the run during the day with acces to the coop. What do you all think? I have a big fear of snakes so my husband has made every way possible to seal the coop but still keep it fresh for my girls.
My EE laid its first green egg on February 2nd and has not laid once since. Is that normal or should I be worried something is wrong?
The one hen we have that is laying always pops the egg out at different times. I have tried to get the egg asap because the last 3 days I have found her egg somewhere other than the nest and is broken by the time I get there. Will she start regulating (laying at same time) as she gets the hang of it, or is it normal for each hen to lay at a diff time each day?

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