what to do about muscovie with frostbitten feet??


The Duck Whisperer
7 Years
Aug 24, 2012
My own imagination. Beat that!
i'm not sure that his feet are frostbitten, but they look like it. his feet have turned an odd pinkish color with black spots. is there any way to fix this, or any way to prevent it from getting it worse? he is currently somewhere warm. is there anything I can do to help him?
I really dont know what you can do for that.Some people use vasaline on roosters combs dont think it would work on a ducks feet though.Hopefully someone with more ex will come along.Good Luck wishing you and your duck the best.
I don't have frostbite experience, but guarding against infection would be a priority for me. Can you get some Veterycin spray? That would be my first choice. I would also consider a couple of warm Epsom salts compresses daily.

And if it were me, I would put comfrey salve on the feet. Comfrey is said to promote healthy cell reproduction (healing).
reducing swimming water in the winter to once a week, still supply drinking water fresh daily, straw on the ground so they arent walking on snow, extra bedding in their house so they can not lay right on a cold floor.

x2 with Amiga's suggestions for helping the feet heal now.
Per my trusty Storey's Guide,

Look for "swollen and/or red feet that feel hot to the touch; and tissue is sloughing off. Unfortunately, frostbite is often not detected until lameness, gangrene, or discoloration occurs.

"Do not rub the affected parts. If gangrene sets in, the frozen areas may eventually drop off or may need to be amputated and treated as an open wound. The oral administration of antibiotics such as penicillin and Terramycin to birds with severe frostbite reduces the chance of infection.

Unless waterfowl have access to a large body of open water, ducks of all breeds should be enclosed in a yard or shed with a thick layer of bedding and provided protection from wind when temperatures fall below 20F."
Good advise per storeys book, Poor duck I hope he heals without problems.
Per my trusty Storey's Guide,

Look for "swollen and/or red feet that feel hot to the touch; and tissue is sloughing off. Unfortunately, frostbite is often not detected until lameness, gangrene, or discoloration occurs.

"Do not rub the affected parts. If gangrene sets in, the frozen areas may eventually drop off or may need to be amputated and treated as an open wound. The oral administration of antibiotics such as penicillin and Terramycin to birds with severe frostbite reduces the chance of infection.

Unless waterfowl have access to a large body of open water, ducks of all breeds should be enclosed in a yard or shed with a thick layer of bedding and provided protection from wind when temperatures fall below 20F."
hmm, that doesn't sound like his feet... slightly pinker w/ black specks. maybe it's not frostbite... they aren't hot to the touch, as far as i know. and he is definitely not acting lame.

thank you so much for the advise guys!!! anyone know what it would be if not frostbite?
hmm, that doesn't sound like his feet... slightly pinker w/ black specks. maybe it's not frostbite... they aren't hot to the touch, as far as i know. and he is definitely not acting lame.

thank you so much for the advise guys!!! anyone know what it would be if not frostbite?
Sometimes they just have changes in coloring on their feet just like when their feathers change just about with every molt. if he is acting fine and you don't see any oozing or swelling might just keep an eye on them. and maybe give them some hay or straw to walk on.
I don't mean to sound mean but if you think the duck is in pain wouldn't it make sense to end the pain and replace it?

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