what type of fish is this?

If you do not get a bottom-feeder (catfish, crayfish, loach), all of their poop will lay stuck in those rocks and foul your water...
Looks like what we call bluegill around here.

ETA: and I am the queen of catching them and white crappie in my house...
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Looks like a cichlid to me as well

I was thinking the same thing right when I seen the first pics before seeing these people say it. I think the spelling of this fish is wrong but it is what I was thinking.
Thats why I was having a hard time... I still think its a green fish... and thought it looked cichlid too, but couldn't find any that matched that fish in particular...... It could be that it's color is washed out from stress from it's new environment.... seeing you all the time, the other fish etc.

The tank is a nice set up but I wouldn't add anymore fish than what you have with that size tank.
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Based on your first picture of all three, from left to right;
Green Sunfish, Largemouth Bass, and a Black Crappie.

I'm pretty sure it's illegal to be catching fish and putting them in a tank.
Check with your local DNR.

You're welcome.

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