What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

Your family sounds like mine. We were only going to add 5 dual purpose breeds. Before we ordered we had to chop it down to 35. We will end up with 72+ birds by the spring. My youngest is getting his first chick this year. He wanted a Blue Cochin and a Buff Laced Brahma. Mcmurray only carries one of those, so he got the BC. Amici Mei (is what he named her) will be here in less than 2 weeks. He is super excited. I love this! Next year we will hatch more and start more meat birds Instead of ordering so much.
My daughter picked out a Blue Cochin too! :) My total amount of chickens would be 62 with all the new ones coming BUT I did have to order 3 breeds in st run so I figured there will be some extra roosters we won't be keeping. I am guessing with the chick loss and extra roos we will get between 25-30 hens out of 44 to add to my flock of 25 hens. I like the dual purpose birds. DH is going over the thought of getting strictly meat birds to add to the freezer for winter. I think we may give it a try later this year. We have never hatched eggs out incubator or broody as we have only had chickens 8+ months but I think I might prefer the broody hen method. I can't wait to learn more about that in the future! I am getting so excited for the chicks to arrive. I will spend the day today and tomorrow getting everything all ready! :)

My daughter picked out a Blue Cochin too! :) My total amount of chickens would be 62 with all the new ones coming BUT I did have to order 3 breeds in st run so I figured there will be some extra roosters we won't be keeping. I am guessing with the chick loss and extra roos we will get between 25-30 hens out of 44 to add to my flock of 25 hens. I like the dual purpose birds. DH is going over the thought of getting strictly meat birds to add to the freezer for winter. I think we may give it a try later this year. We have never hatched eggs out incubator or broody as we have only had chickens 8+ months but I think I might prefer the broody hen method. I can't wait to learn more about that in the future! I am getting so excited for the chicks to arrive. I will spend the day today and tomorrow getting everything all ready! :)
We will attempt the broody hen way next year. Right now I do not have a broody hen.
A couple of years ago when my family ordered from Murray Mcmurray we received a Sebright as our mystery chick. She was so cute! but not very friendly. Last year the dog killed her.
We received in our order a few years ago the most evil, mean spirited creature ever, a white crested black polish rooster
who was eventually sent to freezer camp.
I have ordered from them several times but forget what all I got. They were always boys though. The one I do remember was a white laced red Cornish bantam. Sweet little guy. Hated the cold though and I felt sorry for him. During the winter he would insist on climbing into my coat when ever I was in the pen.
This year I got a buff laced polish as my mystery. He/She is only a week old and I have no idea what gender. At first I thought definitely a rooster, but I'm questioning that since it's getting wing feathers similar to a pullet. I can't seem to find much about accurately sexing polish chicks

I am really hoping it's a pullet, as I would love to be able to keep her!
This year I got a buff laced polish as my mystery. He/She is only a week old and I have no idea what gender. At first I thought definitely a rooster, but I'm questioning that since it's getting wing feathers similar to a pullet. I can't seem to find much about accurately sexing polish chicks :barnie

I am really hoping it's a pullet, as I would love to be able to keep her!
Wing feathers do not lie. if they are not even and the two on the edge stick out or are longer definitely a pullet. Also if the feet and legs are thin, you got a girl.


This is our free chick. Does anyone have any idea what breed? I didn't realize how many types look like "chipmunks" I thought she was a speckled sussex, but she's redder and has gray stripes instead of white and a almost purplish wash to her legs. Any ideas?:D

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