What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??


this was one of our mystery babies although we don't know what breed or gender it is at this time maybe someone can see it and tell us this was with our second order our first order we received a Golden Polish as our mystery baby we were so excited but sadly we lost him at 3 weeks old don't know what happened and it being our first babies we didn't know what to do to even try and help it so thankfully we have educated ourselve more now me was able to save one of our babies in our second shipment with the bandana trick :)

this was one of our mystery babies although we don't know what breed or gender it is at this time maybe someone can see it and tell us this was with our second order our first order we received a Golden Polish as our mystery baby we were so excited but sadly we lost him at 3 weeks old don't know what happened and it being our first babies we didn't know what to do to even try and help it so thankfully we have educated ourselve more now me was able to save one of our babies in our second shipment with the bandana trick

How old is this bird? Does it have feathered feet? What kind of comb does it look like? I have no idea just thought I would look it up and try to figure it out with you? :) DD is really good at it too so I will enlist her help!

this was one of our mystery babies although we don't know what breed or gender it is at this time maybe someone can see it and tell us this was with our second order our first order we received a Golden Polish as our mystery baby we were so excited but sadly we lost him at 3 weeks old don't know what happened and it being our first babies we didn't know what to do to even try and help it so thankfully we have educated ourselve more now me was able to save one of our babies in our second shipment with the bandana trick

Pretty chick!

If it is from McMurray breeds it could be include: Easter Egger or Columbian Wyandotte. Narrowing down a bird that is white with dark feathering, doesn't have a single comb and doesn't have feathered feet.
My free extra chick is very confusing. I call him Long-legs, and I can't figure out if he is a Dark Brahma, Langshan, or Silver-laced Cochin. He isn't the right shape for a cochin (I have one that I bought along with him, and the two have never looked alike), he has lacing unlike a langshan, and he has a single comb unlike a brahma.

My free extra chick is very confusing. I call him Long-legs, and I can't figure out if he is a Dark Brahma, Langshan, or Silver-laced Cochin. He isn't the right shape for a cochin (I have one that I bought along with him, and the two have never looked alike), he has lacing unlike a langshan, and he has a single comb unlike a brahma.

I would think silver laced cochin for your chick. They take a bit to get the right shape. Those are some seriously feathered feet. Cute bugger.
How old are they and can you post a couple pics of the little buggers? Usually can tell with cochins by a month. The roosters start that comb very early. At least all mine did over the years.

Oh and is it bantam or large?
How old are they and can you post a couple pics of the little buggers? Usually can tell with cochins by a month. The roosters start that comb very early. At least all mine did over the years.

Oh and is it bantam or large?

Both Long-legs and Chance (the black cochin) are standard.

Chance in the front and Long-legs next to him

I know its hard to see his (Chance's) comb, I'll hopefully get a better picture soon
So long as that comb stays like it is or only gets a tiny bit redder in the next 2 weeks I think you have girls.
Of course crowing is a dead giveaway.


Pictures from today:

Chance, showing an upright stance, short tail, pinned eyes and red comb of a rooster, though I would love him to be a pullet

Long-legs, showing how his very different body shape to Chance

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