What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

Oh yeah! But she was a sweet little thing. She even raised a brood of chicks successfully, until she tried to teach them how to swim...
I got my chicks Wednesday morning. All are doing well except for a couple. We had one that was dead in the box. We lost one more today and their is one more that I think we will lose she's very weak can't eat or move on her own looks like one of her legs at the joint is messed up. I'm trying to nurse her I hope she pulls thru. Here are some pics. I purchased 25 of murrays choice.
[/IMG][/IMG] she's my favorite.
AWWW so cute. I am sorry you lost a few.

The little polish that is not doing so well is sad. For my polish that had a rough trip I had to keep them on wet starter feed for 2 weeks until they were stronger and could eat the crumbles easier. Not sure if it will help your little ones but it sure did mine.

There is also a starter feed called granules that is even smaller then the starter crumbles. (you can always crush the crumbles too) I am not sure everyone knows it exists. My local farm store carries it and yours may as well. I hope your little one makes it and the leg issue is temporary.

I went and got my old bucket from the granules. It is from Ranchway feeds located in the town next to mine. I hope it is not just a local thing.
AWWW so cute. I am sorry you lost a few.

The little polish that is not doing so well is sad. For my polish that had a rough trip I had to keep them on wet starter feed for 2 weeks until they were stronger and could eat the crumbles easier. Not sure if it will help your little ones but it sure did mine.

There is also a starter feed called granules that is even smaller then the starter crumbles. (you can always crush the crumbles too)  I am not sure everyone knows it exists. My local farm store carries it and yours may as well. I hope your little one makes it and the leg issue is temporary.

I went and got my old bucket from the granules. It is from Ranchway feeds located in the town next to mine. I hope it is not just a local thing.

Thanks for the ideas. I did make some wet feed up yesterday for her she ate some. I'm keeping at it we will see how she does.
i had a chick who i thought was going to die so i called the hatchery and they said you can give them a few drops of honey and water after you give them the honey and it should help.

I got my chicks Wednesday morning. All are doing well except for a couple. We had one that was dead in the box. We lost one more today and their is one more that I think we will lose she's very weak can't eat or move on her own looks like one of her legs at the joint is messed up. I'm trying to nurse her I hope she pulls thru. Here are some pics. I purchased 25 of murrays choice.
[/URL] she's my favorite.
im sorry for your loss! i have never had a chick die but im sure it is very hard.
When I get a weak chick I try just holding it and letting it rest under my shirt so it can gain all the strength it needs and not be trampled by siblings. Every 10-30 minutes I dip its beak in some electrolyte water to get it to drink. Generally they get better in a day or so or they don't.

I really hope yours does!

All your chicks are adorable!
AHHHH! I love this thread! I ordered some this week! Mine won't ship until the week of May 22. The wait may actually kill me. I ordered 3 Speckled Sussex, 3 Ameraucanas, 3 Blue Andalusians, 3 Silver Spangled Hamburgs, 2 Salmon Favorelles, and 1 White Cochin. I e-mailed them today to see if I could add 2 Turkens to my order, there is plenty of time so hopefully I can. I cannot wait to see what my mystery chick is!!! I am hoping for something unique that I don't already have.

I am looking forward to seeing what everyone else gets in the meantime. This is my first time ordering from McMurray.
AHHHH! I love this thread! I ordered some this week! Mine won't ship until the week of May 22. The wait may actually kill me. I ordered 3 Speckled Sussex, 3 Ameraucanas, 3 Blue Andalusians, 3 Silver Spangled Hamburgs, 2 Salmon Favorelles, and 1 White Cochin. I e-mailed them today to see if I could add 2 Turkens to my order, there is plenty of time so hopefully I can. I cannot wait to see what my mystery chick is!!! I am hoping for something unique that I don't already have.

I am looking forward to seeing what everyone else gets in the meantime. This is my first time ordering from McMurray.
10 bucks says they throw in an extra turken.

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