What would you do if a breeder sent you this e-mail

He cant sue for defamation if the claims are true. And posting his email are his own words; literally.

I would certainly post who it is.
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All who are responding thank you very much...
i would love to reveal the seller. i did this once in an earlier topic and admins removed it and i recieved a warning...
i would be more than happy to answer any pm questions about this breeder i think this is ok not sure....
I wonder if we have any breeders here on BYC that would be local to you that might be willing to sell you a few of their hatching eggs. For what it's worth, I have only ever bought from sellers here at BYC for hatching eggs (and at least twice i bought chicks.). I find that the eggs are always packed well and the boxes arrive safe with minimal loss. So, there's hope, and maybe you can find someone here that might even be local. Good luck.
All I can say is WOW.
wow, how horrible. My first time ordering eggs, I had a very bad experience with as well. I ordered a dozen and after payment was made, The seller would start to lag on email response. a week later he finally emailed me and a week after that i got my eggs. None of them hatched by the way, and over half of them were pretty dirty when I received them. who knows how long those eggs were sitting around... So that kinda killed me ever ordering eggs again.
Outrageous! Is he still selling? What name is he using on Ebay?

Report him to Ebay for selling outside of the auction. This is a big no-no with Ebay for doing this. Check his feedback, your complaint might be all that's needed to get him banned. If you used PayPal, you need to let them know you received defective merchandise: cracked and non-fertile eggs. He sold eggs for hatching, thus they need to be fertile (duh.....). If the problem was on his end that's fraud. However, with jerks like that, getting your money back is nil at best. That shouldn't stop you from teaching him a lesson: reporting him to every agency you can think of. Think hometown, state, even federal. Sociopaths like him ALWAYS have something to hide! Get creative: business licenses, Better Business Bureau, Website/Internet Provider (they don't want fraud connected with their services), Animal control (Heavens knows what a creep like that does to his chickens), Health Department/Post Office (gosh, those eggs might have been infected with Avian Flu and shipped over state lines- tsk, tsk!), IRS (if he's not reporting income, the IRS will pay you a reward- ha!), any nearby farms that might have the dirt on him?

Come on fellow BYCs - let's ruffle some feathers here! What agencies would others suggest for paperwork, time, and potential fines (maybe put him out of business as well)? This guy should be tarred and feathered with his own chickens (just extra feathers - no harm intended for those poor birds).

Go ahead make his day-he's earned it!

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