Whats in your bator?

I have 18 button quail eggs, 4 A&M cortunix eggs, 2 cortunix chicks and 1 button chicks in the hatcher. Plus 3 pipped eggs from my chickens. I have 8 eggs from my OEG hen and 18 eggs from my bantams in the incubator!! Plus I just borrowed another LG from a friend!! So I will be a hatching fool this winter!!
Well I have 8 eggs in the bator right now, but I have no idea what they are LOL
I have 3 roos and all are different breed, the mommy is either an EE, RIR or Barred Rock LOL!! Guess I will just have to wait and find out!!
I have 14 chicken eggs, some mutts, the rest I'm not sure about, 18 bobwhites, and tonight I'll add 11 cortunix. I need to sanitize the hatcher and get ready for my next batch--I'll probably be a hatching fool this winter, just hope dh continues to humor me!

I wonder how hard it is to sell chicks mid winter around here--I'm not sure I'll have the strength to put away the bator for any extended period of time. lol
You sound like me!! I was all set to put mine away, when one of my broody's decided to start laying again. So that means I am getting 3 eggs a day from my girls. I could live with wasting 2 a day, but 3 is too much. My dad, who said it would be good to stop, suggested that I go ahead and put them in the bator!!
Hi ~ I'm new on BYC. I have a dozen mixed layers of my neighbor's, 4 Black Rosecomb Bantams, 4 Buff Brahma Bantams, and 22 Buff Orpingtons. Hatched 11 of 13 Buff Orpingtons last weekend, and those above should start hatching this weekend.
Mine are on day 4 and I can see veining in 16 out of 24
I am hoping some of the others that are questionable are developing and just not as obvious. There are at least 3 or 4 that I don't hold any hope for, but they aren't stinky or anything, so they stay for now. On a several of the veined eggs I can see a denser spot I believe is the little embryo
This is so cool! This is my first attempt at incubating and I am SO excited about them!

Out of the 16, 14 are SS Hamburg and 2 are Serama mutts.

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