What's the one thing you wish you had included in your coop?

Hubby built my new coop this year and size is EVERYTHING!!! My old coop with 4x8 and I had about 12 birds, this one is 12x10 and is beautiful!!! I now have 32 birds... Room for storage (tote I keep oyster shells and stall fresh in) and a brooder box for future broodies.... the run is about 30x15, roofed and predator proof, love the "poop box" my sons built, saves on a lot of clean up.
Hubby built my new coop this year and size is EVERYTHING!!! My old coop with 4x8 and I had about 12 birds, this one is 12x10 and is beautiful!!! I now have 32 birds... Room for storage (tote I keep oyster shells and stall fresh in) and a brooder box for future broodies.... the run is about 30x15, roofed and predator proof, love the "poop box" my sons built, saves on a lot of clean up.
Will continue to carry water out which is a PITA but hubby is going thru chemo and says running a water line that won't freeze is also a PITA....but will have electricity before the snow flies so I can at least keep heat in coop and keep the waterers from freezing ....
Thanks for your tips everyone, I'm very thankful :)

The Wish List goes like this.

Weather constraints: mild winters, hot hot hot summers

Predator constraints: foxes, hawks, snakes

Pest constraints: wild birds, mice, rats, possums

Deep eaves for shade
Raised roosting and nesting boxes to provide cool shade beneath
Roosting box enclosed on 3 sides
Fully enclosed attached run
Dutch door to run
Run divided into "rooms" so weeds can grow, new pullets can integrate, sick birds can be put in "hospital"
Paved apron
Run roof: half solid, half mesh
Removable roosting bars
Easy clean roosting box: I'm thinking of a dropped floor with sides 30cm deep, with an external side open-down-and-out on hinges so litter can be swept out into the wheelbarrow and then into the compost
Access to roosting bars for midnight capturing
External access nesting boxes
Rainwater capture and storage
Breezeway for hot summer nights
Big enough for 9-12 chooks to live harmoniously: 20-30m2
Misting system down the middle of the run

I think that's everything... Now I better start saving up :)

I'm going to keep editing the list as I remember things.
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