Whats the weirdest thing your chickens have eaten or tried to eat??

I asked about spaghetti noodles and someone said not to but I was wondering about my young chicks, less than 3 weeks. I might try the adults and see how they like them. I was told that they would go crazy over dried meal worms. Not. Not even the babies are "crazy" over them but at least some of them are eating them. Some of them need to because I paid for them and I'm not going to throw them in the trash. Although, I did try to get my kids to try them. LOL
I asked about spaghetti noodles and someone said not to but I was wondering about my young chicks, less than 3 weeks. I might try the adults and see how they like them. I was told that they would go crazy over dried meal worms. Not. Not even the babies are "crazy" over them but at least some of them are eating them. Some of them need to because I paid for them and I'm not going to throw them in the trash. Although, I did try to get my kids to try them. LOL

Lol. The best thing I did to get the chickens to eat meat worms was to sprinkle them in their coup area. After a few days, when they see them in my hand, the go crazy!
I did try offering them in my hand first but when they acted like I was trying to poison them, I sprinkled them on the ground, then they ran! The other way. LOL They did eventually peck some off the ground but they didn't act like they were crazy about them. I have been feeding them to the chicks in the house. They don't act much better about the meal worms but they do eat them.
interesting that they didn't love the meal worms, normally, those are a big hit... pasta is basically void of nutrition, it should be an infrequent treat, although I do use it more often over the winter - mix it into their feed and they eat everything... on the coldest days, it's important to fill their crops to keep them warmer.

my gang is good, they don't mook around looking for bad things to eat, but I did take in a Foster group over the winter, I processed the roosters, rehomed a few hens, but most ended up staying... and they tried to eat the paint off the garage.
interesting that they didn't love the meal worms, normally, those are a big hit... pasta is basically void of nutrition, it should be an infrequent treat, although I do use it more often over the winter - mix it into their feed and they eat everything... on the coldest days, it's important to fill their crops to keep them warmer.

my gang is good, they don't mook around looking for bad things to eat, but I did take in a Foster group over the winter, I processed the roosters, rehomed a few hens, but most ended up staying... and they tried to eat the paint off the garage.

I was re-reading this and realized that I left something out. It might be very important. LOL The mealworms are roasted, not live. That is the difference isn't it?
I put vinyl floor covering in my coop. The vinyl is light blue with dark blue specks; the chicks try to eat the specks. It sounds like a bunch of woodpeckers when they all get going.
In my case, what is strange is not what my chicken will eat, but what it will not eat!
I have fed it millipedes and (usually dead) cicadas before, but I do not think that it has ever attempted to eat worms. I held one in front of my hen just yesterday, and my hen paid no attention to it.

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