Whats the weirdest thing your chickens have eaten or tried to eat??

My little silkie loves to peck at my tattoo.
Mine try to eat my freckles, my wedding ring and one ate a scab off my daughters ankle.

They also like my toes, the buttons on my shorts, my jean studs and beaded braclets.
So far I haven't had mine long enough to actually SEE them eat anything weird that they have found but I did pick off about 6 tomato horn worms the other day and threw them in the chicken run....they didn't last long at all. It was very gratifiying to see them destroy those nasty things. I also couldn't figure out why several of the chickens were following me around the other day, right on my heels, like they wanted attention but when I'd bend down they'd run off....finally looked down and realized I had on bright red jeans....duh. My Deleware Helen was fascinated by them. I won't be doing that again.
My girls will eat anything....or attempt to rather.....my nail polish seems to be there most recent hot item.....I change it often, thought it was the sparkles but no way those girls like it all....I threatened to paint their claws this morning when one managed to pull my pinky toenail(major OWWWWWW)...they also enjoy our rings, my daughter's hair, feathers on the ground, the ducks butts, etc.....only exception seems to be hair ties....really freaks them out
After reading the horror stories on here about chickens eating screws, nails, nuts, sharp things, etc. I went to Lowe's last night and purchased a large magnet on a pole ($14.95) and quickly ran it over the ground in my run this morning. Within just a couple of minutes I picked up three siding screws we had dropped in the tall grass during construction and several small pieces of metal we missed finding from where we trimmed the welded wire fencing and hardware cloth. I plan to do a much more thorough walk through this evening because I'm pretty sure there will be more to find. I'm so glad I found this thread yesterday because I never imagined they would try to eat a screw or nail!!! Best money I could have spent!

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