Whats the weirdest thing your chickens have eaten or tried to eat??

I was doing homework in the yard last night while watching the chickens and they tried to eat my pen, highlighter and homework! That would have been an interesting excuse to give the teacher! "MY CHICKEN ATE MY HOMEWORK!"
There was a mouse in the pen the other day and all my birds were just about killing each other to get at it. They finally got it and fought over the eating rights too.
This evening, mine tore up and ate a 18" long pygmy rattlesnake that had the misfortune of wondering into our back garden! The were on it before I could scream and were attacking one another tearing pieces of it out of each others beaks. In all the commotion, I barely got a look at the thing and didn't have time to even think of getting a picture!

I am grateful to the chickens because they keep our yard creepy crawly free. Our property backs onto wooded area with a large creek running through it and we see rattlers, copperheads and moccasins coming out of it and onto the property. We positioned the chicken coop and their run along the length of our property with the garden between it and our back yard as a buffer because we have grandchildren who like to play in the backyard!
when i first got my chicks i had them down stairs in the basmet in a brooder. later on they got bigger and 2 escaped! when i found them they were eating PINK INSULATION! they r still alive today and laying huge brown eggs for me. but i have to ask... why something so gross?

BTW~ my brooder is now 2x as tall, lol.

(I dont think they can taste too well.)
Well I'm not sure if you can call this weird but anyway, We had dozer work done and we sowed grass seed. I never gave it a thought about my free rangers but they seem to love eating all those seeds,
and I don't think they will stop eating them until they are gone. Lucky for us we thought before hand concerning the wild life birds and didn't purchase pennkoted treated seed.
My Daughter left my garage door open after getting her bike out. I had a large bin of grass seed to put down last weekend. It was over a 50# bin of seed. Needless to say fourteen hens and two roosters made quick work of almost 20lbs of it in one day.
I saw one of my chickens down a lizard whole today. I was doubting that she would be able to get I down. However, it was no problem.

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