whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

Pip&Squeek2 :

Hi there everyone! I am super new at actually posting on here. I have read tons and tons of stuff on here but that's about it.
Anyhoooo, I am dealing with the exact same symptoms in my 3 week old bantam. I have done soooo much research the past 2 days that my eyes are crossing. However, I am so relieved to have found this thread. I am going to start this B vit treatment and pray for the best. Mine has been like this for the last 2 days. I have been worried sick about it. We have all become attached to it. I look forward to hearing if the vitamin thing works for anyone else. I have had a feeling from the beginning that it was some neurological thing. Like it's in it's nerves. I have brought it to a few places to have it looked at and they are all stumped. They all say, "s/he looks so healthy otherwise!"

I'm prayin for all these poor chickens.

Please let us know how she recovers from the treatment. Im hoping for the best for both of you.​
That sounds great that she is eating the vit B eagerly. I also gave St John's Wort in the water before I learned of vit B.
All I can say is way and see and let vitamin therapy works it miracle. Im telling you that you will see results in one or two days!
To Lobzi:

I did a long post just prior to your posting your latest one. If you haven't seen it would you mind taking a look at it and seeing if I've got a good protocol in place for our little Pumpkin?

We would really appreciate it.

Eggs are great. The yolk has vitamin B naturally. Yes, this sounds good. Encourage her to walk but protect from others. I made a special area in my yard just for Little Friend and Baby. They were safe from the others but had plenty of food, water and space to roam in it. I kept an eye on Baby because if he tumbled over he could not right himself. Also I had to offer water and keep food within reach of wherever he was laying. He was totally paralyzed though. Pumpkin sounds in much better shape. You should see results in one or two days. Baby took 5 days until he was walking on shaky legs.
The B complex I got was in capsule form. I got plain yogurt...gave her a small amount with the capsule contents poured in it. She wouldn't touch it! Later I smushed up a bit of banana and poured more powder in it...likewise wouldn't eat it. Today it will be oatmeal with the meds. She usually eats oatmeal with enthusiasm...likewise cantalope. I sure hope I can get this stuff down her!
She really flops around in her cage, trying to move. Tends to turn food over, and also water. I have to move to plan B today, whatever that may be. I can't put her out in the open, because the roos are all over her. We will be getting rid of most, if not all, the roos...hopefully on Monday. We have a total of 9
with a younger one still in a cage. 25 hens. Most of the roos are aggressive and take in after my 5 year old granddaughter the minute she shows up. So they gotta go. Then I can put the crippled hen out in the yard to maybe encourage her to try to stand.
Hi there everyone! I am super new at actually posting on here. I have read tons and tons of stuff on here but that's about it.
Anyhoooo, I am dealing with the exact same symptoms in my 3 week old bantam. I have done soooo much research the past 2 days that my eyes are crossing. However, I am so relieved to have found this thread. I am going to start this B vit treatment and pray for the best. Mine has been like this for the last 2 days. I have been worried sick about it. We have all become attached to it. I look forward to hearing if the vitamin thing works for anyone else. I have had a feeling from the beginning that it was some neurological thing. Like it's in it's nerves. I have brought it to a few places to have it looked at and they are all stumped. They all say, "s/he looks so healthy otherwise!"

I'm prayin for all these poor chickens.

I am beginning to think there is something going on with my hens nerves too. It could be so many things..My last resort is to try the vitamin B therapy. Im going to go in about 5 minutes to get some vitamin B from the health store. crossing my fingers that this will work..
If you have anything in a dropper bottle you can dissolve the vit b from the capsule in water. Then hold her as you put drops of the solution around her beak. She will eventually get some of it in her. It is messy but youve got to get the vit b in her. I coated meal worms and thawed, frozen corn with the crushed vit b as my chicken love both.
I am beginning to think there is something going on with my hens nerves too. It could be so many things..My last resort is to try the vitamin B therapy. Im going to go in about 5 minutes to get some vitamin B from the health store. crossing my fingers that this will work..

It you research Thiamine, the main vitamin b culprit, I believe, it is for nerve health. I think most of the b vits support the nerves in some fashion.
Hi everyone! Wow! I am SO glad I found this thread! I had the exact same problem with my Welsummer hen, Paula. All of a sudden she was walking funny (not able to stand all the way up). Then, by the next day, she was completly down, laying on her side, not even able to sit up. I brought her in the house & kept her in a box, propped up with a towel. She lost control of her head & neck, so I had to feed her with a spoon. I was adding Vit B & Vit E to her mash of water & chick starter. After a few days, with no improvement, I was considering asking DH to cull (which we have never done & really did not want to do). Then, all of a sudden, I went to check on her & she was sitting up on her own. By the next morning, she was trying to fly out of the box I had her in. So, I put her back out in the coop in a seperate cage until she got her strength back. The next day, she was doing great & I let her back in with her buddies. Today, she is perfectly fine! This was about 2 weeks ago. Now, my Welsummer roo, Jake, is showing the same symptoms. He is not quite as bad as Paula was & it has not progressed as quickly, but he cannot stand all the way up. I am going to seperate him & start him on vit E & vit B & see if he gets better.
I sure would like to know what this is though. I was thinking Marek's, but the symptoms do not all seem to fit right.
Here is Jake:

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