whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

Given the age, I'm guessing Muscular Dystrophy - probably caused by a deficiency of Vitamin E and Selenium - but could also be genetic MS. You can purchase Vitamin E with Selenium in gelatin capsules at your local health food store. Pierce the capsule with a pin and squirt the oily contents directly in the bird's beak once a day. Make sure this bird is receiving a vitamin-enriched, nutritionally balanced feed and make sure your feed is fresh. Vitamin E loses it's effectiveness rapidly if feed becomes stale. If you don't see improvement over a week or two, the problem may be genetic MS or another disease that attacks the neurological system (like Marek's).
chickenlvr97-Didn't realize this post was still going until this morning. Watched your video and it appears that my hen has the same exact thing wrong with it that yours does. I can't find any thing wrong with her except her inability to walk normally. We keep her separated from the others except at night. She eats great and drinks. I have been putting vitamins and electrolytes in her water. No improvement in her walking yet. She has stopped laying eggs but does not seem to be egg bound. Is you hen still laying? I am going to try yogurt and vitamin E. We hate to think about putting her down yet because she doesn't seem to be suffering at all. Thanks to all for your suggestions!
I gave her some electrolytes. I will try and pick up some PolyVisol vitamin drops to give to her. I will also try and pick up some yougurt for calcium. I scrambeled an egg with the egg shells in it and she ate it like a pig. Today when I put her outside in a pen, she was laying on her side with her feet sticking out while she was eating.. I really don't know what could be wrong.
Jesseanne- My hen is not laying, but she dosn't seem to be suffering either. I am not going to put her down...I just feel like theres something I can do! Im getting worried though. Like I said in my other post, I am going to try yogurt and PolyVisol. I will look thorugh all of these posts and write down everything I should try and check them off as I go..thats the only thing I know to do.
Look at Marek's anyway. Vaccine doesn't always work. It doesn't keep them from getting the disease, it just is supposed to keep the tumors from growing on the nerves. The ones I've had with Marek's looked like that at first. One leg usually will stretch forward and one back after a while. I sure hope this isn't Marek's.
I hope you find out what this is - as far as the yogurt goes, I would just get plain yogurt, not fruity stuff with tons of sugar. Keep us updated!
Vitamin E and selenium...health food store...I don't think you can get enough Vit. E with the Polyvisol without overdosing your bird on other oil-based vitamins (like the B-vitamins) that can cause a toxic reaction.
..I sure hope its not Mareks..I gave her some Vanilla Nonfat yogurt and she scarfed it down. Im hoping that will help. If it doesn't, we will have to get some more PolyVisol Vitamin drops and look in to the Vitamin E..
My vote would be Mareks. The leg thing gives it away, the sitting with it out to the side/front. What plants/toxins can they get to. It could be neurological due to poison.

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