whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

This makes me so sad!!!!! I'm so sorry, but of course you are doing the right thing. Why does the "right thing" have to hurt so much? At least the vet is doing it. My DH would want to do it himself, and I'd just have to leave for a few days!
Not because she honestly hasn't displayed any other symptoms or discomfort which is why I thought, given her age of 4 months, we might be dealing with a vitamin deficiency. Other than this weakness (it doesn't seem to be paralysis) she is perfectly fine.

Also, the vet has called me and we discussed over the phone. We are bringing Pumpkin in to be checked out - not necessarily euthanized. She wants to take a look and see what's up.

Any suggestions are really welcomed.

Oh this is much better news. I would not give up on Pumpkin. If she is not in any apparent pain there is not hurry to euthenize is there?
Pip&Squeek2 :

I agree Lobzi. Seeing as there are no other signs of an illness or injury I see no harm in trying the vitamin B therapy. I'm thankful to have found this thread because I would have had no idea what to even TRY doing for my little one.


Oh No! I never meant to suggest that anyone was wrong, or that vit B therapy was somehow bad. I have been reading a lot of threads that discuss vit B as a good thing for our birds to have. I only meant to say that, in the abscence of any external symptoms, are there possibilities that are "undiagnosable", and we're really doing the best by offering pallative care?​
i hope the vet can help your pumpkin.my vet put queent on an antibiotic and something else,im not sure what it is.of course im still giving E and B.she not a whole lot better but no worse,so i will continue what im doing.i will feel better when she eats on her own so i know shes getting enough.good luck with pumpkin tonight..
Thanks so much for the update. I was worried I scared you off by sort of taking over your thread Chickenlvr97. I didnt mean to though.

Of course you're not taking over my thread! Im just so thankful you are helping. Thanks so much. I can only get on BYC every few days, thats the only reason I haven't been on as much.​
Not because she honestly hasn't displayed any other symptoms or discomfort which is why I thought, given her age of 4 months, we might be dealing with a vitamin deficiency. Other than this weakness (it doesn't seem to be paralysis) she is perfectly fine.

Also, the vet has called me and we discussed over the phone. We are bringing Pumpkin in to be checked out - not necessarily euthanized. She wants to take a look and see what's up.

Any suggestions are really welcomed.

Oh this is much better news. I would not give up on Pumpkin. If she is not in any apparent pain there is not hurry to euthenize is there?

Please let us all know what your vet says after the visit. It may help some of us as well. Mine is starting to use it's wings more it seems. To help with the balance thing. S/he is still eating and a lot of the time on his/her own. That started last night. S/he doesn't stand by itself without falling over so s/he just lays by the food and eats. But that gives me a lot of hope because s/he stopped doing that and would only eat if I fed it to him/her on my finger.

I am looking forward to what the vet has to say about pumpkin.


Can anyone tell me what the adult chickens are. These are the mom and dad to the little one that I have been doing the B therapy with. I don't know much about breeds but a vet I called was wondering what breed the parents were.
Crap....I read and read, and all I could come up with was Marek's. I just had a friend cull my beautiful Lavender cuckoo D'anver...dammit, the one time I don't wait too long to put a chicken down. I have the tendancy for waiting too long, and then I feel bad that I allowed them to suffer. I thought for sure Marek's and that I was just needlessly allowing her to suffer.

How do you tell that it is Marek's or just a Vitamin B deficiency???

Thanks for posting...at least there is hope for any this happens to in the future.


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