What's Your Chickens names and Why are they named that?

I didn't choose original names, mostly because these are our first chickens and I didn't know if I got any cockerals that I would have to put in the freezer. Ironically, at one point I had 14 birds, and they were all pullets. LOL I've given two away and I currently have:
Silver, the Silver Spangled Hamburg.
Cairo, the Gold Spangled Hamburg (name courtesy of my son.)
Buffy, the Buff Brahma
Whitey, the Light Brahma (I call her Whitey Bulger in my head. She's kinda b*tchy for a brahma.)
Hawke, the Dark Brahma (kids thought she looked like a hawk when she was younger, and I translated it to the Dragon Age Character. Should have named Buffy 'Varric')
Blackie, the Black Jersey Giant, (I told you I'm original)
Foghorn, the leghorn. (Only chicken my husband named, after we decided she was a leghorn instead of the Cornish x I thought we were sent (free addition))
Bunny, the Easter Egger, (courtesy of my daughter)
Rocky, the Barred Rock (my son sometimes calls her 'Owlet' and says she looks like an owl.)
Bucky, the Buckeye (started thinking about a Marvel theme at this point.)
Lacie, the Gold Laced Wyandotte. (still original)
Specks, the Speckled Sussex.
I have 5 Naked Necks.
Their names are:
Conan- because he’s a barbarian
Loki- because he’s a mischief maker
Angus- because his feather colors and patterns make me think of a Scottish tartan
Agatha & Emily- my two NN girls named after a Looney Tunes cartoon with a two-headed vulture

I also have a bantam Cochin, Frodo- because bantam Cochins look like Hobbit chickens
A bantam Cochin, Pippin- same reason lol
A 3rd bantam Cochin named Cricket-
because she trills so much she sounds like a cricket singing
And last but not least, a Silkie named...Silkie! :lol: Because I just couldn’t find a name I liked and I just kept calling her Silkie since she’s the only one I have.
And boy what a personality Silkie has! I just love her. :love

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