What's Your Chickens names and Why are they named that?

Not all the hens have specific names, but 3 do:
Miss Adventure - the escape artist and backyard explorer, you never know where you're going to find her
Miss Mouthy - is always "talking", regardless of the situation
Nike - the fastest, the first one that makes it across the lawn to the flower bed when they are let out of the run to free range
Only some have names

Ellis- Lone Surviving Delaware--L.S. == Ellis
Butternut--Buff Orpington--color related--I may call any of the 3 by this name, I cant tell them apart

Chicken Liver-- Partridge rock who is scared of his own shadow
Midnight--Black Austrolorp --Color related -- The named one has white eyeshadow. I wonder when she will loose that.
I am so proud of my babies, they are about 6 or 7 weeks old and now have 2 2day olds too.

BO are

Buck the roo
Goldielocks because she is so gold
Edna for my Grandma
Elvis for my kids Grandma (she specifically asked my kids to name one Elvis for her)

Ameraucaunas are

Eskimo these two just because
Scratch because that's all she does
KFC because I think he might be a roo, and if he is, is destined for the pot.

the 2 2 day olds are not named yet
great names guys!
I have *takes deep breath*
Sunshine aka Sunny Boy -frizzle chochin- (turned out to be a roo, Sunny boy sounds more manly)
Mother -BA- was named Iggie, but went broody and hatched chicks
Gracie Grace -BA- RIP gone three months now
Sweets -BA- RIP gone for a week now
Sweets II -GLW- RIP gone these few hours

Tina Ballerina -BA- is so tiny and ballerina just rhymed with Tina lol
Deoxi -BA- Sunny Boys "girl"
Presto -BA-
Banana -BO- her light yellow coloring
Honey Bunny -BO- her rich gold coloring and Bunny rhymes with honey
Cherry -BO- long story
Viola -BA- named after a woman I will never forget
Summer -WR- white as a summer lily
Autumn -??- named after her coloring
Chipmunk -Sicilian Buttercup- looks like a chipmunk
Other that don't have names yet because they are too young.
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Buttercup- 8 week old cochin bantam
Crazy Daisy-8 week old cochin bantam (possible mix) She is nuts, hence the crazy in front of her original name
Benedict-8 week old Red of some kind. pretty sure it is Benedict-possibly Benedictine??
Ozzie-8 week old Japanese Bantam Rooster
Puff-8 week old Black Cochin bantam

Little Mama-4 week old Buff Brahma

Baby-2 week old Buff Brahma
Blue-2 week old Ameracauna
Licorice-2 week old black chick (don't know breed) Mean as all get out-I have put him in solitary confinement twice today!

and 22 eggs in the incubator!! (we will see.....)
I have a 11-month-old white bantam cochin, I called her Betty White, mostly because she looks old and shes white and she is smaller than a softball! I have another fancy,a sultan, which I immediently called pip before I even saw her. My mistake, I should have called her cookoo...........she is as dumb as a doorknob!!
Fuzzy Apple is the name of my White Silkie Rooster. My ds was in an I love apples phase and named many things apple during that period. I was able to convince him to put the word Fuzzy infront of it so my chicken was not confused with my produce
My barred rocks are:

Madonna - I don't know why, because I could!

Star-Had a star shaped marking on her forehead when she was a chick
Tiger-Thought it was a male, so we named it Tiger. Later, it was a hen, so it was rechristened Tiger Lilly
Jesse-A discrepensy between our household that Jesse could fit either a hen or a rooster. (She is a hen!(

No names for the Silkies, or the orpingtons or the polish. Other people have named them, but I don't pay attention!
I haven't actually named my chickens, the current dominant rooster gets referred to as "Mr Studly" which the name rotates to the next rooster as time and circumstance dictates. The Missus didn't think my labeling the nest-boxes very funny--- baked, fried, BBQ, stewed, & steamed.
My EE x silkie hen is Sookie because I LLLLOOOOOVVVVEEEE the show True Blood & its the name of a main character, & I think its just a cute name. Then we have a silkie hen named Pippie. Pippie was the name of a Polish we had that looked like Pippie Longstocking with long legs & reddish coloring. But turned out to be a rooster, so brought him back & got the silkie & the name just stuck. I'll also call her Tippie because she like to stand on her tippy toes.

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