What's your favorite/friendliest breed

So far, I would say my friendliest are my barnyard mixes. There's supposed to be some Jersey Giant in there, but that's all I know of their parentage. Even my single probably leghorn mix roo is up there with friendly. His sire was apparently a phenomenal roo - so I'm glad that appears to be holding true.

As for my favorites - they all are for different reasons.

The RIR - a bit sassy
Cinnamon queen - bit standoffish, but when she gets happy, it's childlike glee
Barnyard mixes - friendly, curious, fun, they're the ones jumping on me or plucking at my jeans for attention
Wyandottes - cautious, inquisitive, but when they are investigating something, become almost consumed with figuring it out.
Golden comets - friendly, hang out with the new kids
Easter Egger - reminds me of the quiet kid in high school that gets along with everybody
Speaking of friendliness, I have to point out that my friendly chickens - Orpington and Barnevelder - are friendly when broody, too! I have some frequent flyer broodies that I have to break multiple times a year, and I also let a hen or two raise a batch of chicks every year. And I've never been pecked, hissed at or screamed at. They let me take them out of the nest, take eggs out of the nest, handle the chicks, etc. Which is very very nice! I used to chicken-sit for a friend with some meeeeean broodies. I had to wear oven mitts to get the eggs from under them as they would draw blood.
I have about 6 different breeds/type, but they are all relatively young.
●My Buff Orpington will hop on my arm when I am visiting the coop and let me pet her, but it is on her terms.
●My Gld Lace Wyandotte will come when I call her for a pet and snuggle, which is surprising since they were the most aggressive chicks and had me thinking about recipes from the begining!
●My RIR is not friendly but not aggressive(yet), he is a Roo.
●My mystery breed Roo is not friendly but walks around me and sings the coolest notes when I am visiting.
●My Red Sex Links tolerate my attempts at petting them but are my most skittish.
●My bantam Cochin is the best lap/palm bird. She is still tiny.
I am trying to get them all user friendly 😀 We recently had an issue where my 4 oldest escaped the coop and they actually followed me back inside, so I think the time I am putting in paid off. I love them all, well the RIR Roo may be the exception, cause he just gives me bad vibes, but I'm not writing him off yet.
I predominantly have Easter Eggers and Prairie Bluebell Eggers. I adore them...if you are only keeping for enjoyment I would suggest a silkie. They are friendly and loving and adorable and hilarious all wrapped up in a fuzzy poofy little bundle. That aside, my favorite pullet is Fern my Easter Egger...she greets me every morning and shares the gossip of the night before...boy does she have a lot to say and she tells me all the dirty secrets and more that happen behind closed coop doors 🫢. My favorite cockerel has got to be my Leroy. He loves to cuddle, be petted and gives the most awesome hugs 😍. But by far the cutest and funniest is my silkie Marble...just watching her makes me smile and laugh 😂. View attachment 3508321View attachment 3508322View attachment 3508323
You know he is something special, "Leroy Jenkins" when he gets a full government name, first and last 🤣
I don't think breeds have anything to do with friendliest tbh lol We have a 12 chicken mixed flock and we have individuals who are semi friendly. The only one true friendly is our one buff orpington and while she comes running to be held the other buff orpington acts like the world is ending if we try holding her lol
My friendliest chickens, as a breed, are my Easter Eggers. I have/had five girls I raised from chicks, and they all were the sweetest girls. Three of them remain, and absolutely love snuggles. I have two EEs that I got as pullets, and they were untouchable at first. Then, after a few weeks, something clicked, and one of them especially is a little love bug. She’ll jump onto my arm if I hold it out, or sit on my lap and be happy. My friendliest chicken overall is a mottled Java, Peeper. If I crouch down anywhere she can see me, she’ll run over, very awkwardly, and demand a hug. Even when they’re free ranging, and there’s yummy grass everywhere, she’d rather have a hug 🤗 She goes broody as well, and is the sweetest girl! I hatched some chicks with her a couple years ago, and I could handle them all I wanted, she’d just stand there showing them off like any proud parent. Most of my seventeen girls are friendly, with the Welsummers and SLW being the least nice. I have a little special needs hen that follows me around outside, and we can have a whole conversation 🤭 Anyway, just wanted to put my two cents in!
This is Peeper, my Java, sitting on my arm.

And one of my EEs snuggling.

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