When did your baby chicks move outside?

Great info! I am a newbie, and have 4 chicks 2-1 week old and 2-3 weeks old. Was gonna try to get our coop up in the next couple weekends, and then put them outside when they are 6/8 weeks old. I am grateful for all of your advice!
How fun, I must admit, the girls being 5 weeks this week, I am bringing home a larger bin since we are just putting up walls today. They seem to have grown an inch in the last week!!! We are also painting as we go along. So that is adding time. They would not only like a little more room, but they really want to perch a lot, so I might throw a quick perch 12" high to put in the new bin with them. Today one gal flew from my shoulder to my hubby's arm as he was interacting with another gal. I'm thinking she's a very jealous type chick!! Lol
I moved this flock out at 5 weeks to an unheated (no electric) coop - the temps were about 70/50 day/night -- three days after moving them out we got hit with sub-freezing temperatures and a surprise snow storm - they were hail and hardy and happy as little clams in their new home through it all. I'd have moved them sooner but my contractor (aka husband) was dreadfully behind on the building project - just can't find good help these days, lol.
Perfect!.....Yea....I'm going to sit down with my "contractor" and start drawing up some plans. I'm intersted to see how much the total cost will be in the end. We were given about 20 pallets over the past week, AND my husband took the bed liner out of his truck this past week (which will be used for the roof!
I love doing this kind of stuff
Ours were allowed to play outside since they were four days old, and moved to their coop permanently when they were three weeks old. It's so hot here that it didn't make sense to keep them in any longer, it was warmer outside than in, heat lamp not withstanding. Our brooder is was small for the number of chickens we got (six), so by three weeks they were very ready to enjoy their coop and run.

I think it depends on how big your brooder is, and what the weather is like when they go out. Our coop and run was very safe, much larger than the brooder, and warmer than it too. That's why our chicks got to live outside when they were three weeks old.
Its supposed to be in the 70s ove the next 10 days here, so we are only going to put the heat lamp on at night I think. Also, since the chicks are just in rubbermaid tote right now, my husband is connecting another tote tonight, so they have 2 areas ( one with a roost for sleep and the heat lamp, and one for food and water. Then outside we will go to start building.

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