When do chickens start laying eggs?

if they are eating them you will know because it will be wet from the broken eggs n the nest box. mine started laying early (4 1/2 months) but they are just starting to lay now aftrer the winter. 10 hens and 3ducks an I got about 5 eggs a week. now about 24 a week + 6 duck eggs its the amount of light I would say and not there age pretty soon you will be in egg heaven
I have 5 Arcana's that are 17 weeks old and 1 BO that is 13 weeks old--I found 3 light green eggs today--so much for 5 to 6 months
Day old chicks. $60.00
Feed for 21 weeks. $150.00
First egg! Priceless!
I don't know whom laid it but I think it was a BO
True, AllChookUp! But, you know how it is when waiting for your very first egg! Seems like all you want to do is camp out beside the nest boxes! Heck, I was even DREAMING of my first egg - how pathetic is THAT!?! Then, DH played a cruel joke. when I got my first egg, I ran to the house to show him, and he said, "Oh, I put that in there." SOOOOO not funny!
LOL I've been dreaming of my first egg as well!
we have 29 hens and get 22 eggs a day 2 roosters

You need to use a lamp if you get freezing tempatures. Depending on how they are feathered, their tempature acceptance will be different. My single-combed white leghorns need a heating lamp if tempatures are under fifty degrees. If your chickens go under their acceptance level, they will experience cold stress. They may stop laying altogether. It all depends on what your tempature is like where you live and the feathering of your chickens.
Even with the oppressive heat of the desert, our 9 EE'ers are all coming online while the 30 1-3 years olds are progressing thru various stages of molt. Still averaging about 16 carton worthy large to jumbos and 6 a day from the new girls. It took 6 of their eggs to equal 1 cup but getting bigger every day. Small but perfect in every way.

Except for this double yolk torpedo.
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So I have three NH reds and one has started laying eggs. We have gotten one each day for the past four days and are super excited! How long will it be before the other two join in and start laying? Are they each on their own timeline (I am assuming) and just will lay when they are ready?
So I have three NH reds and one has started laying eggs. We have gotten one each day for the past four days and are super excited! How long will it be before the other two join in and start laying? Are they each on their own timeline (I am assuming) and just will lay when they are ready?

Each one are different even among the same breed. I got 4 New Hamps that 2 started laying @18 wks the other ones didn't follow laying until almost a month later (22 wks). Now my leghorns started before they're even 16 wks whereas my speckled Sussex is 6 months old but nothing yet.

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