When do Easter Eggers start laying?

I raised 4 of them and gave one to a friend and wouldn't you  know it, the one I gave away lays beautiful blue eggs and the one that I have laying now lays green. I'm hoping for blue ones from one of my other two, but the green ones are a nice soothing sage green and they make my lil egg basket beautiful. Good luck to you.

I don't dare hope for blue but I am hoping for 2 shades that are distinctly different from the brown egg layers' eggs. Sage green sounds a-mahzing!

If, I remember right the eggs belong to, Chocolate Orpington, Barred Plymouth Rock, Australorp and then Easter Egger
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I wonder if my easter eggers will lay sooner than a year. Hope at least one lays a blue or green egg.

When they were 12 weeks, now 15 weeks.
I have three EEs. The first one laid a teeny tiny green egg today at 25 weeks old! My Austerlorps have been laying for 4 weeks now and the Wyandottes started last week. I've gotten two double yolkers already from an Austerlorp and a Wyandotte respectively. So you never know. I always thought the EEs were early layers, I guess not in my case.
I have one EE that is about 29 weeks and she still hasn't laid any eggs yet
I'm sure being in NY and approaching the shortest day of the year isn't helping. Anyway, she is the sweetest and friendliest bird of my flock, I love her anyway. I'm hoping she'll lay a beautiful blue/green egg for me on Christmas morning!!!
We got our first egg ever from a 29 week old Easter Egger. Our olive Egger started laying at 30 weeks. They have a flock mate the same age that still hasn't laid at 31 weeks. We've got pullets between 19-26 weeks we're still waiting on.

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