When do Easter Eggers start laying?

We have 3 EEs. 2 laid around 5.5 months, and the third one just laid her egg today at 7.5 months. But this EE was much bigger than the other 2 so we were wondering maybe she needed more time to mature since shes a big chicken. Sometimes the genetics are different even though they were from the same batch. We got all different colors too from these 3. One laid a frosty, almost gray color, one laid a baby blue, and the last one laid a khaki green color!
I have 3 easter eggers. One gave her first egg yesterday, another today
. They are all 30 weeks. The eggs are a beautiful light green. Here is a pic of her first egg (doesn't look very green here). I am hoping that each
hens eggs all have different shades so I can tell the laying hens apart. I have a second hen that has been squatting for about a week so (fingers crossed!) and the third is smaller than the other two and does not look ready at all. Patience, right?

I have 2 EEs both 25 weeks old yesterday. One of them has been letting my roo top her for the last week. NO eggs from either of the EEs. Is this normal for one to be squatting/topped and not lay yet?
I've got 3 hens 2 easter egger and a red star. All 24 weeks old and no eggs !!! 1st timer here so never seen one "squat" but I've read about it and I don't think they do that yet. Anyone want to guess how much longer I'm going to have to wait .
None of my EE's squat for me. It is probably because they were added to the flock late and I did not socialize with them much and they like to keep a little distance. All of my other chickens that are laying will squat.

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