when to put chicks in the coop

I read somewhere to LOCK them in coop for a week, so they know where they live when it's bedtime? Sounding a little strange to me....
Nope, perfectly reasonable. They are creatures of habit, and by locking them in the coop they learn where they are to sleep. Then, when we let them out, they will return to the coop with no issues because they know what to do.
Silly chickens!
I don't know how many you are dealing with. I only have four and leaving a light on in the coop is all it really took to get them to go in at night. First night I had to set one on the ramp to the coop and the others followed. Second night I walked to the chicken door and tapped on the edge and they went in. From then they had it down. I had a rebellion last night as I forgot to turn the light on before dark. Soon as I turned it on and tapped by the door in they went. Once they are in they will stay.
I have ten girls, a little over two weeks old. Some fully feathered, some not. I have decided Sat they go in the coop. It is so hot here in SC anyway. I can put the light for heat for the nights, and my husband is gonna make a baby chick run so the dont have the full 45 feet.
Today was first time they went outside. They saw a bug and were kind of weirded out! Backing away, talking about it. They are so busy!
I have three babies, now four weeks old. They are mostly feathered out, except for around their necks and on their tummies. They were moved to a bigger brood box last week (in the garage, no heat lamp at night), but they still seem cramped. The temps around here right now are in the high 80's, low 90's with nights being in the high 50's. Think they will do okay in the coop? Or should I wait a week? They are one EE, one Iowa Blue and one Australorp, all good cool weather breeds.
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You are so very welcome~ Yep, we probably do have similar temps this time of year. We're up in the northern Big Horn Basin, pretty protected by the mountains. I think you might get a little more cold and snow than we do in the winter. And if it's all the same to you, you can go ahead and keep it.
Good luck with your transition to the coop. Don't be too surprised if they act like you're killing them the first few days. They are just like adult chickens - they don't do change well - so they'll likely do a lot of huddling and staring before they get brave.
I got mine a little late this year. They spent their first week inside then out to the brooder on my back porch with their heat lamp. At 4 weeks they decided they liked their daily field trips to the coop/run so much they got to move in. They didn't want to go back to the brooder at night so they got their wish.

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