when to put chicks in the coop

I got mine a little late this year. They spent their first week inside then out to the brooder on my back porch with their heat lamp. At 4 weeks they decided they liked their daily field trips to the coop/run so much they got to move in. They didn't want to go back to the brooder at night so they got their wish.
Sounds good to me. Hubby is working on gussying up the coop so the girls can move in today. I'm only worried about how hot it is supposed to be over the next few days. They will have plenty of shade and water. The girls are 4 1/2 weeks now.
How old are your chicks? I want to put mine in the run but scared I won't be able to get them in the coop at night.
Me? Mine are 4 1/2 weeks old. We moved them today and they have figured out where the food and water is. Had a clap of thunder and they ran to huddle up in the corner!
Well, the process of moving the kids to the coop was not totally successful. I had to move their food when I figured out they hadn't eaten or had water since I put them in the coop! They almost attacked me when I put the food and water in their direct line of sight! How will I be able to get them to eat and drink where I want them to?

Here is my coop, and I haven't let them down under the coop yet. I think they are ready but I. A little nervous about them co,I got back up the ramp. Should I wait until they are at least 4 weeks?
Here are my 3 1/2 week girls.

Thanks for your help!
I meant to say I'm a little nervous about getting them back up I. The coop at night. Sorry didn't proof before I submitted last reply.
I put mine in the coop first time tonight. Mine are 4 1/2 weeks and I am a little nervous about their first night in the coop. It's supposed to be 60 degrees, plenty warm, but I'm a first time chick mom! They went up in the coop early and sat looking out the window! My coop looks much like yours, and I did put them down under the coop where I put their food and water, but ended up having to move their provisions up into the coop. They almost bowled me over trying to get to the food, so I knew they didn't eat anything "downstairs." Silly chickens.
Yes, my bigger female figured it out right away and the others follow. Today, however, they seemed to have forgotten how to get down the ramp into the area under the coop that is cooler! Found the little buggers panting and in distress. They figured it out after we showed them again. They did great last night.

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