When will my rhode island reds start laying?


9 Years
Nov 9, 2010
Somerset, England
I have 5 rhode island red chickens that are 22 weeks old and 21 weeks old. When will they start laying. Does it matter if I don't give them oyster shells. To help them lay in the nesting box I put one of my eggs from the fridge in. Is that ok. I am new to keeping chickens and don't know these things. Thanks to anyoe who helps.
My RIR is over 30 weeks. a few weeks ago I posted the same question.
everyone told me to be patient that "heritage birds" can take longer.
whatever that means.
Now she has sore feet, so still waiting while we soak her feet, massage and put neosporin on them.
My husband says "this is a lot of work for a $2 chicken."
My first RIR laid her first egg at 136 days. 3 weeks later, I got a misshapen egg and a rubber shelled giant egg on the same day. My guess is I now have 1 (of 6) laying daily and 2 sporadically. Hopefully, her sisters start pulling their own weight. Otherwise, they're starting to look pretty tasty.
I have 3 RIR girls 1st one laid at one day shy of 26 weeks she was squatting for about 2 wks and egg song was about 2 days before she laid and she was also playing in the nest boxes.. I put golf balls in my boxes she kicked them out and I put them back for a day or two. Her 2 sisters started laying within days from her but no egg song or squatting prior to laying. Hmmmm.... It will happen, trust me October 28th was my 1st egg and they only seem to take 1 day a week off, eggs every day! I love my girls... be patient it will be fantastic! Good Luck to you and be sure to post that 1st beautiful egg picture.
Not having fully developed the comb/wattles may (or may not) be related a lower amount of protein in the birds diet. Protein is the building blocks of ALL tissues in the body, including the skin, which the comb is. This is why I have chosen to feed starter feed to my girls for life (20-24% protein) instead of grower or layer feed which is typically 16-18% protein levels. In growing birds the higher protein will help in all areas of growth, maturing them more completely and possibly a bit sooner. This is also done by many BYC'ers with good success. Chicks can be raised on nothing other than starter feed thru the entire life cycle if desired, with no ill affects. I have also heard that high protein helps to shorten molt times as the birds replace feathers. You may try it and find no difference, but I am sold on its benefits. Good luck!
I have 3 RIR'S there singing the egg song it's been 3 days after the song are they too young. I also have 3 buff orpingtons when do they lay?
I'm new to this it's well, what do u mean by and oyster shell, and the " egg song"? I've only just started with chickens a few months ago my RIR and EE's are almost 17 weeks!

You can get oyster shell at the farm store. Good source of needed calcium for the hens and their eggs. I mix it in their food. Every egg song is different. It is when a hen starts making lot's of noise because she is about to lay. I have 4 older hens that are laying. One sounds like she is crying when she is going to lay, the others give the traditional bagock sound loudly and excessively. It's good when you hear it to go see who it is making the noise, it's a good way to know who is laying, until you know all are laying. I did just have a young RIR lay for the first time yesterday and I got no egg song I just caught her laying on the nest. One note, the eggs will be small at first and get larger as time goes on. You may even get an egg or two without a shell during the time they start laying. It's normal. Chickens are entertaining to say the least. My RIR that laid it's first egg yesterday was 24 weeks. All chickens are different and yours could be sooner or later. After your chickens start laying you can refeed them the egg shells for calcium. Just rinse them real well and crush them up real good and mix it in their food. Good luck

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