Where Can You Buy Quail?

I'm too new at Quail to really give you a good answer, wife purchase our adult laying quail from Craigslist for 2.50 each. Our Texas A&M quails seem pretty mellow, and laying an egg per day. They are very easy to care for, but do produce lots of droppings.

My only headache is trying to keep them from picking at each others. I built a couple of 2 wide by 5 length by 1 height cages and place 10 in each cage (1 sqt per quail). Have 1 male and 9 females to reduce their stress level.

We have them for the kids and eggs. As far as meat... I do not enjoy quail meat that much, a little chewy.

Have fun if you decide to have them. We are also starting to have chickens for the first time as well.
I can sell you a group of straight run quail chicks. No minimum. $13.45 for shipping and $3 @ chick.





I have some of these now....
@maquailnmore I am looking up your site soon! Thanks. In the next year I will probably order. Which breed of your quail lays the best?

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