Where do u buy your DE? How much does it cost?

i finally found a local supplier but i dont know if they are giving me a deal or not. they don't carry it now -but can and will order it.
they are going to charge 30 for a fifty lb bag. should i keep looking? this place is 15 minutes away, the next closest is a little over a half hour away.

any imput?
Can you use GEO BOND for the chickens? It has a certified organic label on the bag. Thats what my local feed store sells as DE... by the way, they are selling 50lb bags for $10.50 right now, as they are discontinuing it. They have about 8 bags left. Clearbrook Feed & Supply, Clearbrook VA right off I-81...
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according to this: http://wolfcreekranch1.tripod.com/de_retailers.html there's a retailer in Scottsdale... there may be someone else closer to you though, Ijust happened to see it when I was looking for one close to me.
I don't have much luck getting answers to my questions but I'll try again, what are the benefits of taking DE yourself? What does it go after inside a human? I'm new at this stuff. Thx. Henipeni
Henipeni, I would search the topic in the search box for this forum. You'll probably find most of your answers there. Also, A few pages in someone talks about how DE has helped them since taking it. Hope that helps

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