Where Do You Find Your Strength?

Everybody is different but I always tell people that you don't know how much strenght is within you until you have been pushed to your limits. I certainly can attest to that. Hang in there and good luck with moving. I cannot imagine the sadness and frustration you must be dealing with.
x 2

Lay all your troubles at the foot of the cross and ask Him to bear your burdens for you.

Trust in the Lord. He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you!


x3 and an unfaltering belief that God will never give me anything he knows I can't handle.
I get my strength from prayer and I do a lot of it for every one I know. 30 years married to the same man I was devoted to my husband and children don't even want to get into it. He cheated through the whole marriage, I left him 6 years ago and just found out he is dating my best friend the one I shared EVERYTHING with we went through school together, I taught her how to drive..........I have decided no more friends. Now i know why she has not called.
Oh Pokster , I am so sorry. I recently had a friend that I found a secret file on hubbies computer and messages from one of my closest friends. I have had serious medication issues which caused me to black out , yet my body would remain to appear to function. She was messaging my husband and lying. Saying things that I supposedly said to her. Which never happens. Or she turned them completely around. I read her posts to him and threw up. My husband had been verbally thrashing me saying things like my friends are messaging him, i am crazy. Yadda yadda. I let her know I caught her and told her I never ever expected this from her. See she was the one telling me she felt my husband was up to no good. Along other things. Shes in another state , she doesn't live out where I do. So i have cut her off. I wont talk to her , return her texts. I mean my back still hurts from the knifes being stuck in my back. I made copy's and have stored them with a friend I do trust. I lost trust in my judgement of friends. She lied big time and I do not understand why. She went as far as to tell husband she felt my health issues were fake, and I was lying. I let he know that I must a lot smarter the. Five doctors and its pretty amazing that I can fake EKG's and countless tests.
She now says she only lied to see what my husband was doing. She was just trying to get him to think she was on his side to protect me . I about died laughing.
I will never get why people betray others so badly like its nothing.
Sierra pachie bars, I am sorry for all yor pain as well. trust and honesty are very precious things if you betray either one we are done. I sure hope they enjoy each others company. It is just all so disgusting to me. Stay away from that so called friend and your husband needs to treat you with the respect you disserve! I will keep you in my prayers and pray your feeling better very soon.
It's good to know there are people out there that can relate....for that....Thank you!! I'm figuring in a month or so the worst will be behind me...

I'm so sorry for your pain Pokster...I've walked in those shoes as well...

I picked up the phone in an upstairs bedroom once to find my ex-not-so-DH on the line with my best friend of 24 years.
The conversation was too pornographic to post. I think I was more upset over the betrayal I felt from Ruth. The ex passed away a little over a year ago...I prayed for his soul...forgave him...and moved on with my life.

13 years later...after John passed away I dropped Ruth a line...I told her I hope she gets all the happiness she thinks she deserves...that was my closure...I'm ok with that.

Life sure is funny
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Hearing that makes me sick, UGH way to much of it going on it's the norm in some peoples lives.

All I ever wanted was a good marriage and a husband who respected me as much as I did him. Well at least one of us took our vows before God seriously. I have learned that I am tough and I don't put up with crap any more. I stay to myself and take care of my critters. It's hard for some people to understand if they have not gone through it. He cheated for the whole 30 years we were together but being with Denise has really broken my heart and spirit when it comes to trusting friends. I'm living the life I always wanted to live now with no regrets. I am glad you have found happiness again.
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The Lord also is my refuge. He has been there and continues to be there for me thru everything that I must endure. He is the only Hope that I have and all I need. Cast your cares upon the Lord.
Hi fuzziebutt...I'm glad you find comfort in the Lord...I do too...he's my Bud...my confident (did spell that right? you know....one that you trust) and the one that I talk to when I make my 15 minute drive into work everyday.

So tonight I'm thinking about bitterness....I can only control own>>>then decide where I want to put it...I'm thinking I wanna out it in a box and put it away until tomorrow...tonight ...I'll play mindless computer games and contemplate eating healthy while snacking on pepperoni and cheese...life ain't so bad

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