Which breed do you think is the friendliest? My vote goes for BR's!

In my coop it would have to be the speckled sussex. Then when I was in SE Missouri Insiderart was kind enough to given my son a trio of speckled sussex and they are now the friendliest birds he has.
I have a young set of BRs and some Delawares that are 12 weeks old (and aside from my 2 light brahma girls, very gentle birds) they are the best natured in my flock of over 100 birds that includes White & Brn LHs, RIRs, EEs, OEGBs, Blk Aussies, Blk Giants, and a few cross breeds... Whew!
I started with three times the BRs I currently have. Every last rooster was skittish and unfriendly if not downright mean. The hens are ok, though.
Of the varieties I have, tied for friendliest breed are Black Jersey Giants, and Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. Sweet, curious, gentle and personable, both breeds get along with humans and chickens great!
White Plymouth Rocks!!!

I did NOT raise mine to be held, carried around, etc. Of course as tiny chicks we played with them, but after about 6 weeks, I talked to them, fed them, etc. Mine now freerange, and when I open the back door, they all come running and follow me around the yard, and in the fields. I have one white rock that is a new mommy. She would growl and stuff when broody, but never, ever did she peck me. Even now, her chicks are 3 weeks old, and twice a day I pick up the chicks, and her and put them in the aviary. She nows enjoys being picked up and carried around! Protects those babes against everything else, but looks at them like they are nuts when they run from me. LOL!
Both of my buff brahmas and my buckeye are all friendly and tame in their own ways; they definitely each have their own personalities. They all come running to the gate when I come home from work or when I come outside in the morning, and when I'm sitting in the yard they like to come loiter around my chair, and sometimes they'll jump up into my lap for a while. When I'm puttering the garden, they are usually right up in my business, probably because I feed them all the slugs, snails, earwigs, etc that I find.
They all feel free to wander into the house anytime the door is open (we bring them inside in the evenings for a while every night just to hang out and watch TV). The buckeye is the most active (and sometimes fussy - doesn't like to be touched except on her terms, kinda like a Siamese cat), and by far the most inquisitive. She "talks" to us almost constantly - little clucks, gargles, squeaks, and warbles. The brahmas are much more laid back about being picked up; and all the girls will sit calmly for at least a little while once we've got hold of them, as long as we hold them in a way that makes them feel secure.
Our 12 week BO pullet is a sweetie. Will scurry from a hand sometimes, other times will just hang out. LOVES to have her neck pet. I'd say the ratio of her behavior is 80/20 in favor of friendly and calm/leave me alone!! Our 4 silkies at 9 weeks of age are a little different. We have NO clue on any sex, and they grumble amongst themselves quite a bit. They aren't opposed to the idea of hanging out with us humans but take some major coaxing and ususally a decent amount of calming. Then we ahve three brooder babies approaching 5 weeks. The Silkie is very confused, the EE female is generally cheery, though she has picked up some moves fromt eh Polish who usually is freaked. The Polish does calm down VERY nicely though, when it finally happens.

Thank goodness for mealworms...

So ours would be, from friendliest down to most skittish:


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