Which breed of rooster will protect my hens best?

No such thing as a certain rooster being the best.

My first chickens, were like a dozen. Two roosters. They both died to protect only 3 hens successfully when a dog got loose and attacked my chickens. That dog is in doggy hell now. One was a RIR male, my fav rooster so far out of only 3 so far roosters. Except now I got 4 rooster babies that don't crow yet. And the other dead rooster was a Grey one, I named Graysie, he was a Barred Rock boy, I guess. I got a silver wyandotte type rooster now.
It is in personality... and situational. ;) I had to go 4 months without a rooster... it was sad, no crowing.. when I was so used to that.
Any of the american gamecock breeds are very protective of hens and help with raising chicks, although they are the toughest, they may still be no match for a big dog.
Instead of a rooster guarding hens get a goose.A goose may not attack the predator all the time but it will make a big loud alarm noise /call and you can run outside and kill the predator or a rooster will get use to the alarm call and start noing when the goose makes that sound that theres a predator is around so the rooster will get ready and try to fight it off or make a noise to tell the hens to run and hide.
In my experience, breeds known to be flighty or otherwise wild are the best for protective roos. My leghorn is great, Ancona's, Penedesenca's etc.. also fit that bill. JG's are large, and in the animal kingdom size does matter. Langshan's typically have deep, loud crows, a great natural deterrent. Treat them like workers doing a service, not as pets, then they stay alert and keep watch. I used to have a setup when I lived further in the country where my dog run was outside the chicken area, never had an issue then.

Just a thought, though I'm in CA so this won't work for me, but technology gets cheaper after it's been around awhile right? How about an auto-turret setup at each corner of your main yard (i.e. Aliens, Robocop etc...).
nothing will fight like oirental game though we need to be honest guys

chickens that were selected to be aggressive will be aggressive the other breeds are utility and meat breeds sometimes they can come through almost always they fail

but serious fighting games that are large in size are the only ones that are powerful and serious enough to make a predator re think

their legs are so strong and their kicks,

Most predators if faced with an attacking aggressive prey they are not use to will back off because it confuses them and they dont know what kind of danger they are in like if a fox starts to get spurred in the face by a big roo many times it will just back down, sometimes they won't. Coons, possems, hawks, can all back down also sometimes. Its still iffy but way better than nothing.

this turkey was able to drive off this red tail very easy
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I have a brown leghorn rooster that has even went up against a raccoon that grabbed one of his hens. He pounced on its head and punctured its brain and it crawled under my hen house and died. The hen lost some of her feathers on her back, but other then that, she was fine. He has also jumped a dog, deer, turkeys and whatever else dares to come in our yard. However, he attacks people as well, accept me.
my vote is black australorp. my guy is about a yr old. he's so big and he's got a big voice. i have been able to get to the rescue several times because i could hear his alarm call. he fought off a hawk that had one of my girls & won. he's a little rough on the girls, but i attribute that to his size. i don't see him being "mean" to them per se - he's just big. he's not friendly with me, the dogs, the cats, or hubby - but neither does he attack us. we seem to have a deal - he takes care of the girls & when he needs a hand he hollars & i come running. so far it works.
My easter egg rooster is ok at it but he wont attack anything if it gets to close to the hens except when a hen gives out the danger call. He wont attack cats,or dogs really...but he loves to attack my leg/foot all the time. I REALLY REALLY REALLY wish I would of got at least 2 roosters in the same flock for more protection and security. I have 2 differnt flocks. 1 has 3 silkies (bantam pen) and then I have the (large chicken pen). I wish I would of got 2 in the large chicken pen when my EE rooster was younger but now he is almost a year old and very territorial and would not let another rooster around his flock.......it sucks cause I definatly dont want to get rid of him. I dont know what to do????

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