Which breeds did you wish you got?

I would like Malay, Sumatran, and more silkie. I have had a variety of chickens but the ones i will continue to keep are Silkies, Cochins, BBR Krienkoppe, Naked necks,and Eastereggers.
So many choices.....I would like to try a couple of most everything. . I favor heritage breeds and would like to add a few australorpes, speckled Sussex, and maybe a few sex links just to try them. I have blue speckled and black copper marans so maybe a cuckoo for comparisons would be nice. Oh, yeah, I would like a few Iowa blues, too.
There are only two breeds I have I wouldn't get again, and there are some I don't have, some that others sing the praises of that I don't really think I would care to have.
I have 1 Black Sex-Link, 1 Red Sex-Link, 5 Barred Rocks, and 6 White Leghorns. I have a ton of different breeds I'd like, but I have to say I want Buff Brahmas the most, I also like Cochins and Faverolles. Love the feather-legged breeds! Next year, I want to get some birds for the 4-H show (as it was canceled this year, because of Avian Influenza, preventing my purchase of some New Hampshire pullets), hopefully Black Australorps for Brown Egg-laying and Buff Brahmas for Breeding Class. Getting some Sussex, Delawares, Light Brown Leghorns, more Sex-Links, Rhode Island Reds and/or New Hampshires ,and maybe some Jersey Giants would be fantastic, but some I'll just have to pass up. Sometimes getting chickens is like picking out ice cream toppings; you have to get some of everything!
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I have two pullets that are suppose to be Black Australorps but just got another chick that is also suppose to be a Black Australorp BUT the two have brown feathers also and the one is ALL black. The heads are different too. The two heads are different than the one. Can anyone tell me if i have two different breeds or are they ALL Black Australorps???
I currently have EE's, a Silkie/RIR cross, a Fayoumi, a bunch of Seramas, Buckeyes, Catalanas, Black Marans, and Orpingtons. I've always wanted d'Uccle bantams and some Wyandottes. Maybe next year!
This is my first year and I ordered about three times as many chicks as I originally planned because I could not choose from so many interesting-sounding breeds. I have different colored Orpingtons, Salmon Faverolles, Black Copper Marans, Cream Legbars, a Welsummer, Barred Rock, Australorp, and a Cochin.

Someday I would love to try out a Light Sussex and a Speckled Sussex, Ameraucanas, a Favaucana, an Olive Egger, and I really want some Swedish Flower Hens! No room at the moment, though! And the SF are a bit rare. Oh- and has anyone seen a Swedish Black Hen aka Svart Hona? Pretty darn cool.
I have two pullets that are suppose to be Black Australorps but just got another chick that is also suppose to be a Black Australorp BUT the two have brown feathers also and the one is ALL black. The heads are different too. The two heads are different than the one. Can anyone tell me if i have two different breeds or are they ALL Black Australorps???
If you post on the 'what breed' forum with pictures, you will get your answers.

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