Which breeds did you wish you got?

I have Silkies, Cochins, Polish, and Seramas...
as for what I wish I had...
Old English Game Bantam, Sultan, appenzellar spitzhauben (Okay, I have no clue how to spell that...) Phoenix, Onagadori, d'uccles, buttercups, and ayam senami
As to why I don't have them...well, I'm not done with my flock yet

picklesquidly, I totally agree!!! My flock consists of exotics, and will continue too! The day I have RIR's will be a very odd day, and everyone who knows me will ask what happened
yes..The Reds we have are aggressive also..they are my least favorite and we decided no more reds! we love the austrolorpes..they are so gentle ..lol..and the first to go to bed at night =)

My Australorps are the first in the coop at night also.
I would love brahmas....I hear they are very sweet. I have two EE, white rock, welsummer and a Langshan. Langshans will always be in my flock, very sweet birds with great temperments. My white rock is also a gentle giant. :love
I would like to add Buckeyes, Iowa blues, leg bars, jersey Giants and maybe a Maran or two
. I didn't get these breeds because I ran out of room. Right now I have, 2 brahmas, 2 RIR, 2 red stars, 2 leghorns, 4 barred rock, 4 Easter eggers, 2 jubilee orps on the way, and a Austrolorp chick I am raising with a peachick.
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This is my first year with chickens. I have a cuckoo marans, a chocolate orpington, a light brahma, a rhodebar (who will theoretically lay olive eggs), a cream legbar, and a blue orpington. My blue orp is a roo, so he has to go since I can't have roosters. :( I'm SO incredibly sad, because that was my #1 top breed choice. He is gigantic and so fluffy. Sigh. So far everyone is getting on well, my legbar and rhodebar are my friendliest birds. They come and hang out with me, as does my blue orp boy. My light brahma doesn't love being caught, but she's fine once I have her and doesn't mind me carrying her around. My cuckoo marans is the smartest, and rides on my shoulder, lol. My chocolate orp is pretty independent, but not aggressive or anything. I love how fluffy she is. :)

I really like large breeds, so that's mostly what's on my wish list still. I have to be careful because we have pretty strict limits where I live, so I can't get too crazy. :) I WILL be getting another blue orp next year and hope again for a hen. I would love a splash orp, too. I also would like another brahma, maybe a blue one, but like someone else said my brahma gets REALLY overheated. I have to keep an eye on her and hose her down. I wouldn't mind an Ameraucana (pure, maybe a lavender). I've also been looking at the faverolles or favaucanas, those look pretty fun. :) What I'd really like though is a blue faverolles, which are hard to find it seems. I don't know. Who knows what I'll add next. :) My first priority is getting that darn blue orp hen, though!! :)
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I started with some freebies that I adopted after talking chickens at TSC. I still have a LF buff Orpington from them but have gone a little loopy & now have all bantams in black & partridge bearded silkies / crele & BBR rumpless araucana / SL wyandotte / lavender, black & blue dutch booted bantams / chocolate & mauve orpingtons / mottled, SL, frizzled, red, & mille fleur cochins / EEs & some mixes. I also have another 6 LF ameraucana eggs & delaware-EE crosses with a broodie.
My want list includes buff brahma, swedish flower hen, bielefelder, BC maran, favorelles & on & on & on...it's a sickness that brings me a lot of joy!
Standard breeds of my banties to compare the size and get bigger eggs! :)
(I'll add more standards in a few years if I feel like my flock can handle it)
I would probably also get a Buff Orpington. They are just such fantastic girls: friendly, big eggs, pretty, etc)

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